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Archie’s hands grewfirmer at the sides of my face as he brushed his lips softly over mine. I could feel the smile on his mouth, mirroring my own. He didn’t keep me waiting for long, soon urging my mouth open with lips. I sighed into the kiss as his tongue swept inward, stroking and tasting. I was on such a high from how successful the day had been. That, combined with my body’s exhaustion, was turning into this warm, gooey, melty feeling that shivered downwards from my lips to my pussy. The arousal from our earlier kiss had been a dull throb inside me all day, and this second kiss was stoking it back to an even stronger blaze.

Archie no doubt felt the same, his hips arching forward against me, the strain of his cock evident.

I was about to reach down to feel him through his pants when I realized that we were still basically in full view of the station. The security forcefield provided some measure of privacy, but not much. Pretty sure if I whipped this orc’s dick out here and now, it would cause a problem.

“Come on,” I murmured against Archie’s mouth, his tusks creating a frisson of sharp sensation that made my nipples ache. I pulled away, grasping his hand and leading him through the door into the kitchen. His gaze was deep green fire on me the entire time.

But being in the kitchen wasn’t much better, I realized. Because this was my sacred space! There was no way I was going to get down and dirty right here where the food was prepared. No matter how enticing the image of Archie bending me over the island was...

“This way,” I said breathlessly, tugging Archie’s hand again. There was a large storage closet that had some cleaning supplies in it at one end of the kitchen. It had a door we could close, and no food was stored or prepared in there.

Good enough. There was no way I’d make it all the way back to my apartment at this rate. I could already tell I was wet, just from the kiss and from the warm rough hand that held mine.

I dragged Archie into the storage closet, turning on the light in there and kicking a broom out of the way. I closed the door and wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him back down to my mouth. He obliged, groaning, slipping his tongue between my swollen lips.

His huge hands encircled my waist before drifting down to squeeze my ass, making me throb. I returned the favour, sliding my hands across his chest, skimming over his nipples, down his abs to the hem of his shirt.

“How is it that when we’re making out, it’s one of the few times you’re actually wearing a shirt?” I chuckled. Archie grinned, whisking the garment off over his head.

“Hmm. Not just the shirt, I think. All of it,” I said huskily, nodding at his tight black pants. “If you can even get them off overthat.” His erection created what looked like several bulges at his crotch. My mouth went dry, my breath hitching as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of the trousers.

“Don’t worry about that,” he said with a crooked smile. With a bend and shimmy, his pants were off.

Holy fucking terra.

I stared, mouth hanging open, at the completely naked alien orc before me. I knew, from the moment I’d met him, that he was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. But seeing him like this, completely nude, the light drenching every inch of his skin, was something else entirely. My core constricted as I raked my gaze up from his feet, over long legs and thickly muscled thighs, to his groin.

“OK, I get the snowman thing now,” I said, my words half a chuckle, half a whisper.

His cock wasn’t a smooth taper from base to tip like a human’s. And since I’d only ever been with human guys, the shape was kind of a shock. The entire organ was a deep blackish green. At the base was a large bulge, about the size of my fist. Above that, a slightly smaller but still impressive bulge rounded out the middle of his shaft. The cock ended with the smallest bulge at the tip. Two testicles, heavy and dark, nestled beneath his shaft, the only thing that looked familiar to a human.

I didn’t think I’d ever been turned on by the shape of a fucking snowman. But I was pretty sure that was about to change. Because seeing the rounded bulges of Archie’s cock was making me clench. I couldn’t wait to see what they would feel like inside me.

As if his cock could hear my thoughts, it visibly twitched, and Archie stifled a whimpering groan. I licked my lips in fascination as a bead of shimmering moisture appeared at the dark, rounded tip.

Unable to stop myself, I reached forward, dragging my finger along that tip, smearing the moisture.

Tension exploded outward from my hand, rolling up Archie’s body, making every muscle harden. His hips jumped forward in response to my touch, needing more. I wrapped my fingers around him, beginning to stroke up and down gently, getting to know the various curves and bulges of his shaft. It definitely wasn’t snowman-like in feel. Nope, the organ was hot to the touch, and so smooth.

“I thought I was supposed to be doing the wooing. That’s what I promised,” Archie choked out, staring down at me with hooded eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’ll let you woo me,” I said, smiling as I squeezed the largest bulge at the base. He hissed, the sound melting into a moan as I kept jerking him. “But you’ve done a lot for me already. And since the cookies were a bit of a bust, just relax and enjoy this.”

My hand slowed, my tone growing serious.

“Archie,” I said. “Thank you for making the sign. For everything. You don’t know how much it all means to me.”

Archie’s brows contracted, a look of fervent pain passing over his features.

“I love you,” he blurted, and I gasped. My hand froze on his cock as shock overtook me. He kept speaking.

“It may be too early to tell you that, but frankly, I don’t really care. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you. And I started loving you not long after that.”

“You’re not just saying that because you’re horny as hell and I’ve got my hand on your cock, are you?” I asked, laughing so that I wouldn’t burst into tears. The need to cry was biting at the back of my throat. I wasn’t normally a big crier, but the emotions of the day had been overwhelming. And now Archie, this big ridiculous lug who’d been kinder to me than almost anyone ever had been, was telling me he loved me.
