Page 54 of Kismet

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“I was bullied throughout grade school because I liked to draw and read.”

Taking in a slow breath, she felt her heart pinch. “You say it with so little emotion. Did it bother you, or did you just shrug it off?”

“It bothered me because I wanted to be left alone, not because I cared what the kids were saying. I had a ton of cool cousins who liked me just as I was, so the opinion of my peers wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“You were self-contained even as a kid.”

“I’m guessing you were too. How else would you have survived that first decade?”

“I never thought about it like that since I’m an extrovert and enjoy social interaction.”

“Both things can be true.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She took his hand. “When did the bullying stop?”

“Freshman year. I hit my first growth spurt the summer after eighth grade, and few people wanted to risk offending me that first year in high school. My cousin, Rorke, got me into weight training, so before too long, I was not only taller than most kids but packed with muscles. I got recruited for the football team, made a small group of friends, and rode out the rest of high school in peace.”

“Have you ever run into the people who teased you?”

“I saw a few when I was stationed at the base in Little Creek.”

“Did they pee their pants? They had to be intimidated and praying that you had a horrible memory.”

“I’m not sure, but they kept their distance and eyes averted.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I was hoping you’d taught them a lesson.”

“Never thought it was worth the effort. I was living my dream and know the best revenge is living well and being happy.”

“And are you happy, Teague?”

“More than I ever imagined possible.” He lifted their joined hands and pressed a kiss to her hand. “Despite our many differences, I think we have what it takes to make a relationship work.”

“And why do you say that?”

“My parents are opposite in almost every way and have managed a happy marriage for over forty years. My mom is an extrovert, and my dad is like me. When they go to parties or other social events, my mom gets to talk to everyone, and my dad can relax and eat the cheese in peace.”

“The cheese?” she asked with a laugh.

“Yeah. That’s how he’s always described their successful union. Mom does all the talking, he does all the eating, and they’re both happy.”

“That makes so much sense. Maybe I’m the yin to your yang.”

“Babe, you are more than that. You are the beginning and end of everything.”

She let the words envelop her fragile heart and studied the sprawling farms with painted fences. “When we’re together, I can exhale. You are my friend before anything else, and I know you will be there no matter what.” She turned in her seat. “I love that you accept my petals and thorns. And for showing me love in a way that makes my heart feel like it will explode.”

“I need all your body parts to stay right where they are, so let’s make sure nothing blows up.”

“Considering you’re an explosive expert, I leave it in your capable hands.”


Feeling his absolute certainty, she knew he would protect her with the last breath in his body.


Teague leaned against the counter in Tancy’s bright kitchen and took his first slug of coffee. The caffeine immediately hit his brain, and he sighed before twisting from side to side.
