Page 55 of Kismet

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“Am I responsible for the tweak in your back? Or is my bed too soft and fluffy for your battle-worn soldier’s body?”

“I’ll have you know that I’m in the best shape of my life and can handle anything you’ve got.”

Tancy put up her hands. “Of course.”

He poured her a cup of coffee and then added two splashes of milk. “Drink this.”

She snapped off a salute. “Yes, Captain Grumpy Pants.”

“That’s Lieutenant Sexy Pants to you.”

She kissed his cheek. “Lieutenant, I will do as you command.”

“See that you do.” Tancy’s cheeks brightened, and he guessed she was replaying the previous evening’s events. “If someone asked me to define happiness, I would say this right here.”

“That’s very Johnny Cash of you.” She took several sips of her coffee. “Didn’t he define paradise as having coffee with June?”

“I suppose he did.” He ran his hand over his beard. “I guess if I’m gonna steal a line from someone, the old troubadour is a good one to choose.”

“Indeed.” She gave him a smile over the rim of her cup. “I’m running out to Duck today. I need to check on Laura and have one final meeting before we go before the judge. What’s on your agenda?”

“Not too much. I have a few pieces in progress but would love to tag along if you don’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” She pursed her lips. “Are you worried that someone is going to make a run at me again?”

“Not particularly. I’m in contact with a buddy on the local force, and he promised to give me a heads up if anything develops with Laura’s ex.”

“Always prepared.”

“Never doubt it.” He refilled his coffee cup. “I was thinking about what you said the other day regarding a man’s need to chase the woman he’s chosen.”

“Have you changed your mind? Should I put on my running shoes?”

“The only time you’ll have to run is when we’re naked and playing out one of your fantasies.”

She wiped her hand over her brow. “Phew. That’s a relief.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I’ve decided that while I don’t need to satisfy that ancient ritual, I do need to earn you. To show you I’m a worthy mate and can be trusted.”

“For the record, I already think you’re more than worthy.”

“I appreciate that, but I still want to do a few things to solidify your opinion.”

“That’s very romantic, Teague.” She set down her coffee cup. “I may swoon.”

“Are you teasing?”

“No!” She took the cup out of his hand and set it on the counter. “My romantic past could easily be characterized as a dumpster fire with a side of hot mess and a sprinkling of unfathomable regret. And this is not that. This is,” she waved her hand around, “something so unbelievably lovely.”

“What kind of dumpster fire?”

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “The kind that makes a person think love is for other people.”

“And that’s changed?”

“Absolutely. Somehow my grumpy friend has transformed himself into my dream man.” She rested her head against his broad chest. “So, exactly how does this earning thing work?”

“Making some of your dreams come true.”
