Page 101 of Of Demons and Witches

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“Fed Ashton first, did you?” He doesn’t look at me as he spits out the words, soft and yet hard like stones. “Found the time for that.”

“He was in bad shape. Losing you hit him hard—”

“He hadn’t lost me then, yet,” he snarls.

I wince. “Sin…”

“What do you want? Say it and go.”

“I’m sorry,” Ashton says, coming to stand beside me. “The secretary said she expected you back the same day and it wasn’t until we followed your trail that we realized you were in pain.”

“But you suspected it. Suspected something was wrong. Since you tried to come after me later.”

“Yes. Sin, you weren’t there all that long. Here it was maybe half an hour. There it must have been what, ten minutes tops?”

Sindri’s mouth twists in a parody of a smile. “Ten minutes… You think the elders would have kidnapped me if they didn’t have a plan? You think they managed to lay these bruises on me in ten minutes?” His words chill me to the bone as his meaning starts to sink in. “Or perhaps you think that the Academy has a monopoly on the spell that slows down time?”

“Sin…” I breathe.

“Days,” he whispers. “Days and nights. Maybe weeks.Arawn. I thought I’d never get out of there, ever. I thought I’d die there.Fuck.”

Ashton is ashen. “Hell, Sin, I didn’t realize—”

“No, you didn’t.”

“It’s not fair to blame him,” I say, stepping closer. “Did you ask the elders for more favors? More gold? I told you not to. Your desk—”

“Fuck my desk!” Sindri stands up, fists trembling by his sides, patterns flowing over his skin, his magic rising and falling around him. His eyes glitter, all the stars in them going out.

The outburst makes us all start.

After a moment, Emrys walks over to the desk in question, pats it. “Sounds to me like you didn’t listen, Sin. What’s the use of hoarding magical objects if you don’t pay attention?”

“Fuck you,” Sindri hisses.

“That hate,” Emrys says, “it’s directed at yourself. Better start by forgiving yourself, buddy, or you’ll never get out of this hole you’re in right now.”

I stare at him. Who knew a demon had such Zen advice to give. I wonder if he has forgiven himself. I doubt it.

“Get out of my fucking room,” Sin snarls.

Emrys lifts his hands. “Going. Got to catch some Zs.” He pauses at the door, though. “Now that you’ve joined us, Ophelia will help you, you’ll see.”

“Rys!” I whisper. “What are you saying?”

“She has already claimed him,” Emrys says calmly. “She only needed a moment of weakness and she got it.”

My eyes burn as Emrys leaves, closing the door behind him.

I turn back to Sindri. “Don’t listen to him, Sin. You belong with us. We tried to come get you. Ophelia was faster, is all, and did it for her own means. You know this. You’ve experienced what she does.”

He just looks at me, his expression not changing.

“You said you care for the guys,” I try.

Now Sindri looks thoughtful. “Did I?”

“You did. Oh God. Please, Sin…”
