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“As Virgil said,” Sindri murmurs, “each of us bears his own hell.”

“Whatho.” Ashton grins up at him. “Next, you’ll be quoting Homer at me. I thought I was the only one who quoted Homer on a daily basis.”

“And the only one you shall remain.” Sindri bares his sharp teeth. “I’m not into misogynous, human male authors and their books. Plus, the role the fae played in those wars never comes up, neither does any other magical race. You should be incensed, Ash.”

“Oh, I am, trust me. It’s all I can think about. That Homer guy. Though, I think centaurs are mentioned.” Ash narrows his eyes at Sindri. “I never knew literature interested you.”

“There is more to me than my pretty face and ripped body,” Sindri says, unruffled.

Ashton chokes.

I’m snickering.

“Maybe your sister will come to the family visit shindig,” Sindri says. “Tomorrow evening.”

“I’m not holding my breath.”

“Holding your breath is generally a bad idea,” Sindri says. “As Virgil once said—”

“Virgil was as bad as Homer, for your information,” Ashton says.

“Definitely no fae mentions in the Aeneid,” I add.

“Ah, let’s go to bed, then,” Sindri mutters. “That was too much thinking for one day. I am royalty, after all. Not used to hard work.”

Ashton laughs, at last, and it feels like a win.

Without discussing it, all three of us end up in my room. The boys pull my mattress to the floor and Ashton drags a mattress from God knows where to place beside mine and create a double bed on the floor. We spread my sheets and my blankets over it, and then fight for the pillow, since Ashton declares himself too lazy to go to his room and bring his.

We snuggle together. Who knew these boys would like snuggling? It’s like having two giant, muscular teddy bears on either side of me. Sexy bears. I grin at the thought.

“What is it?” Ashton murmurs, noticing my grin as I’m currently facing him.

“Nothing. I like being in bed with you two.”

“But you were thinking naughty thoughts, I could tell. Come on, sharing is caring.”

“Um…” Heat creeps up my cheeks. “I only thought that you are like teddy bears.”

Sindri huffs from behind me and I roll over to find him with his cheek propped on his hand, laughing quietly. “Bears? Are you calling me hairy?”

“Sexy bears?” It comes out as a question and his shoulders shake with laughter.

“Arawn,” he breathes. “More animals. First a hedgehog, now a bear. And what does that make you? Goldilocks?”

“Without the gold part.” I grin at him. “And without the bears, I guess.”

Ashton presses himself to my back. “Is there anything left from the fairytale in your story?”

“The bed?” I snicker.

“The bed is important.” He shifts me so that one of his arms is under my head and his chest is pressed to my back. “I can be your bear.”

Sindri rolls on his back, stretches his arms over his head. “Maab, I feel I could sleep for a week, and at the same time I’m so wired I doubt I’ll catch a wink.”

“We could wear you out until you pass out,” Ashton suggests, way too seriously, his mouth brushing over my neck. “I have ideas.”

“Do you now? You have to tell us how you got Jason to get into bed with you.” Sindri smiles a charmingly wolfish smile, his dimple flashing. “Of all four of us, he seemed the most set against boy-on-boy action.”
