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“He was already in bed.” I feel Ashton shrug. “I changed his bandage, held him and… And then he held me, too, and one thing led to another.”

“I wish he were here,” I whisper. “Emrys, too.”

“You miss them,” Ashton mutters.

“Don’t you?”

“I do,” he admits. “Even if it means sharing you with more guys.”

“You jealous?”

Ashton sighs. “Not exactly. As long as you want me, I’m content to be with you and the guys. There is… a bond there. A relationship of trust. And I hope it will still be there when that enchantment breaks.”

I wish I had his confidence that the enchantment can be broken.

“That’s how I feel, too,” Sindri whispers, closing his eyes. “It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, this… friendship. With my fey gang, we share bonds of blood and magic, bonds of history and expectations, but none of them would come if I got hurt. None of them would look for me unless they needed something.”

Aw. My heart. I’m so glad they realize this, that they open up about it. That they feel this bond just like I do.

They’re monsters, Ophelia had said.They don’t deserve your concern, your love. They can be made useful in the bigger scheme of things.

She calls them monsters when my heart keeps breaking for them.

“So what are we going to do?” I whisper. “To break the enchantment. To get Emrys and Jason back.”

“Distraction works,” Ashton says. “Physical distraction.”

“Spell it out for us, Ash,” Sindri says. “Come, don’t be shy.”

Ashton huffs. “When we’re making out, touching, pleasuring each other, her pull on our magic is less strong.”

“Ah, I see. You’re suggesting we spend our days and nights fucking?” Sindri drawls, folding an arm behind his head, smiling at us. I reach out and trail my fingers down his strong chest, the scar the arrow has left on his side, still red and angry. “That’s an idea I could get behind.”

“Who ever goes to school to study anyway?” Ashton snickers. “What a gross misunderstanding.”

“Speaking of misunderstandings… I thought Jason was in love with Ophelia before I came to the Academy,” I say. “When she was Aurora. But someone told me it’s not true. That she had enchanted him back then already.”

“What the fuck?” Ashton frees his arm from under my head and sits up. “Who told you this?”

“Melissa,” I whisper.

“You still speaking to that bitch?”

“Hey.” I sit up, too. “Doesn’t mean I trust everything she says, but what reason would she have to lie about this?”

“She mentioned an enchantment?”

“No, she said that Jason had never cared for Aurora but suddenly he was with her. That he never showed her any public affection. And that she tried to get all of you to sleep with her, too.”

“Well, the latter part is true. She did a lot of aggressive flirting.” Sindri hums under his breath. “I never liked her. She was annoying.”

“Aggressive flirting?” That gets my hackles up for some reason. “What does that entail?”

“Let’s see…Accidentallybumping into me around every corner.”

“Groping me,” Ashton mutters. “She managed to sit beside me in every lab class.”

“She got her hands on my phone once,” Sindri says. “Took pics of herself in revealing underwear and gave the phone back to me.”
