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“No,” he shakes his head, “because I fucking ran out.”

“Then what did you take?”

“Drugs.” He’s panting. Stubborn son of a bitch is only standing because his back is to the wall and I’m shoring him against it.

“What sort of drugs?”

“Filched… a pinch of them from your pocket.”

“Oh,kraish, Rys.” I snarl at him. “You picked my pocket as I helped you to your room? Asshole. No wonder I couldn’t find my stuff last night.”

“Had… to sleep. Haven’t… in a while.”

“Fuck.” I wince. I can sympathize with that. “You’ve taken fey drugs before?”

“Once or twice.”

“Then you should have known that their effects on the non-fey are unpredictable.”

He glares. “You were offering them to Jason.”

“Not this sort. This was from my stash,abesh, reserved for royalty because common fey can’t stand its potency, let alone demons. Let alone the fact that I’ve built quite the tolerance to them by now.”

He starts to laugh, then wheezes. “Ellshat. I took princely drugs and they knocked me out. Fucking awesome.”

“It’s good to hear you laugh about it. Now let’s get your ass to your room so you can sleep it off. I’ll get you someJailehpowder, it helps counteract the effects.”

“No,” he grunts. “Said I’m okay.”

“And I can say I’m Bigfoot, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“You’d need bigger feet.”

It shocks a bark of laugh out of me. “The fuck.”

A grin tugs on one side of his mouth. With his spiky hair, that jaunty, thin braid brushing his shoulder, the silver in his nose and ears, he looks every inch the bad demon boy, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t get me like a punch to the balls. Asshole is sexy.

His gaze slides down my body, an appreciative light entering it. “Then again, you know what they say about guys with big feet.”

“You really are stoned out of your mind.”

“Not so much that I can’t appreciate how you’re pressed against me.” His tongue darts out, licks his lips, and I catch a glimpse of the silver bolt in it. It sends a wave a heat through me. His eyes smolder. “Maybe I should takeyouto bed. To my bed.”

Damn. Can’t deny I’m aware of his powerful body against mine, of the way he’s hardening against me, but how do I know it’s not the drugs talking?

“Listen,” I tell him, “I’d take you up on that offer, demon, but after what Ophelia pulled with you and with the state you’re in now… You need to rest and flush the drugs out of your system. I’m serious.”

Immediately, his expression shutters and he shoves me away. I can almost hear the doors slamming in his mind. “Ophelia is none of your business. Keep your fucking fae nose out of it.”

“You need to lie down—”

“What I need is to go for a run, sweat the drugs off.”

“Goddammit, Rys, that’s not the way! And we have to talk about Ophelia. This isn’t over.”

“It is, if I say it is.” His voice drops, dangerous and low. He grips my bicep, his blunt nails digging into my skin. “You’re stupid to stay with Mia. She’s weak.”

“The fuck you say,Kerel—”
