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I return to my room, pensive and worried, my stomach tied in a giant knot. The full moon will be in… two weeks? Or sooner?

It doesn’t matter what Vanessa believes. Wheels have been set into motion. They were set into motion way before I was even aware of such dangers, before I knew of this school, of the boys, of Ophelia’s true nature, of magic.

As I pass outside Ophelia’s door, I pause.

That diary.

I press my hand to her door, close my eyes. Search for her enchantment, her magic. I get nothing.

Cautiously, I turn the handle. Locked, of course. Sudden anger rises in me, born of frustration. Why? Why is she allowed to go on hurting people for her own means and nobody is stopping her? Why can’t I stop her, break the enchantment? Why can’t I be a strong witch like her instead of a… A wannabe witch, like Vanessa said, and save the ones I care about? Save the world?

The air around me shimmers, ripples. Power races down my arm, a line of fire and hissing steam, a whirlwind of light, slamming into the wood.

It splinters over the lock, then the lock clicks.

What…?Breathing hard, I take an incredulous step back. What just happened? Did I do that?


It’s magic, a small voice whispers in my mind, sounding both smug and stunned.You used magic, all on your own. Like a proper witch.

I almost giggle, because no, I still can’t believe it.Woo. Breathe in. Breathe out. Everything’s fine.

Approaching the door again, I put my hand on it.

It swings inward.

I enter Ophelia’s room.



“Rys, stop.”

I don’t even bother turning around, keeping my strides even as I head toward the dormitories. “Ash. What do you want?”

“The story you told us.”

“A mistake. I don’t know what got into me. I should have kept my trap shut. Now go away.”

“No, you don’t get out of it so easily. Come here.” He grabs my arm and yanks me back.

Irritated, I pull my arm free and glower at him. “What the fuck, Ash. What are you doing?”

“An experiment.” His gray eyes are earnest and bright.

“What kind of experiment?”

“Ophelia’s enchantment weakens when we touch. And our bond becomes stronger.”

“You’re insane,” I mutter. “What are you—?”

“Come,” he grabs my arm again, “we’re going to find Mia.”

“What? No fucking way. Ophelia—”

“Fuck her. Or better not. You want Mia, right? You desire her.”
