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“Yeah, I…” A yank on my magic. A shot of pain. “Fuck.”

“And you want me,” he goes on, pulling on my arm. “You think I’m hot.”

Never one for false modesty, Ashton.

“Yeah, I want you,” I mutter and brace for another painful yank, but nothing more happens and I follow him reflexively, my mind caught on the absence of pain.

“Ophelia doesn’t think that we guys are a risk. Her only ward is for Mia. I saw that with Jason. If you touch me, Ophelia won’t know.”

“You really are insane,” I breathe.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to get your rocks off. Especially since Ophelia isn’t putting out.”

“Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” As he leads me toward the girls’ dormitories, I realize he is and I can’t fucking help the way my heart is racing. “Holy fuck.”

We find Mia unlocking her door, and seeing her sweet face is a shot to the chest. She looks up, her eyes uncertain.

“Ash,” she says, but her gaze is on me.

“Were you out?” he asks, his hand still locked on my arm.

“I… had to retrieve something.” She shoves a book into her backpack, her gaze swinging between me and Ashton. “What’s going on?”

“Ash wants to experiment on me,” I say drily. “Says that if I focus on him only, then Ophelia won’t know.” I lick my lips, gazing at her curves. “What I don’t get is why he brought me to you.”

“Do I distract you?” she murmurs.

“You know damn well you do.”

“How can I know?” She opens the door and walks inside the room, dropping her backpack on the floor by the bed. “You chose not to be with me.”

We enter after her. My body is tightening at the sight of her, my dick hardening. Pain lances through me, my magic flaring.

“What the hell are you up to, Ash?” I growl.

“It feels wrong to do this away from Mia,” Ashton mutters. “Just focus on me.”

“You think I’m made of stone?” I grit out. “Just… do what we came here to do before I lose my patience.”

And my control.

Ashton turns to me, frowning a little, puts a hand on my chest. He pushes me back a step and I let him, curious and confused and wanting… so much. I’ve wanted Ashton from the start, just like I’ve wanted Mia, but both desires seem fogged over and hazy right now.

Until he reaches down and takes my hand, the skin-to-skin contact jolting me.

My mind clears a little, just enough to realize that I’m now pressed almost flush with Ashton, and that Mia is watching us from heavy-lidded eyes, and damn, that’s hot.

So hot.

I’m a damned demon, I need sex like I need air. I also need some rough manhandling and occasionally a sharp edge of pain to bring things into focus, to feed my demonblood—but I can’t remember when I last had sex. Being around Ophelia is like being caught in an in-between state, not quite alive but also not dead.

I’d know if I was dead, right?

“Are you watching, Mia?” Ashton murmurs, his gaze sliding to her as if he’s read my thoughts. Or maybe this turns him on, too.

After all, she’s our center, our heart, our—

More pain, hitting me so hard I groan.
