Page 31 of Texas

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I spluttered over the shock to quickly say, “Not yet.”

Texas and Drake snickered, their attention going back to the show, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Texas actuallylivingin Ballarat. Like, permanently. Why would he want to change? He had another shop in Melbourne. Wouldn’t he stay where his family was? When did he decide this?Whydid he decide it? Was it because he couldn’t find a manager in Ballarat? That could be it. I wondered what Dodge and Low thought of his choice.

Did it mean he would be hanging out more often?

That could explain why he was here in the first place. Like I’d thought, Cody was busy with work and Channa. Texas could be bored…. No, wait, he had a business to run. Why wasn’t he there now?

“How is the new shop going?” I asked, shifting on the couch to see him better.

“Good. It’s pickin’ up.”

Then why was he here? It was Saturday. Wouldn’t it be a busy day?

“You must be busy, then?”

He shrugged. “Not too bad. I can take on clients when I want.”


Did that mean he just didn’t have any that day?

“Would you employ me when I’m older?” Drake asked.

“So you can have only female clients?” I teased. Drake loved being loved by women. He definitely got attention from them, since he looked like his father, and Mum said women chased Dad all the time. Even after they saw he wore a wedding ring.

Drake’s radiant smile said it all. “Maybe.”

Texas and I laughed, then he asked, “How are you with drawin’?”

Drake shrugged. “Not bad.”

I pointed at him. “That’s a lie.” I turned to Texas. “He’s amazing, like Ruby. You should see some of his work.”

Texas nodded. “I’d like to.”

“Go grab some,” I encouraged. Drake bolted out of the room.

A few moments later, we heard Ruby yell, “Get out, Drake.”

“Quit kissin’ my sister,” Drake boomed.

“Oh shit,” I muttered and went to stand up until Texas gripped my wrist.

“Get out!” Ruby screamed.

“Yo, Drake, grab your stuff already,” Texas called, and we heard pounding footsteps.

“Thanks,” I said, leaning back into the couch.

“No problem, but I still think it’d be good to get Ruby and her fella out here.”

Snorting, I shook my head. “Why? Because they’re kissing?”

“Because I remember bein’ his age, and there was one thing on my mind.”

Rolling my eyes, I went to cross my arms over my chest but noticed Texas still held my wrist. He released it at my movement. My skin was still warm from his touch. “Like all boys, but Dillon wouldn’t disrespect Ruby in any way.”

“You trust him?”
