Page 32 of Texas

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“Yes, I do.”

“Then that’s enough for me.”

When Drake ran back into the room, Texas looked away from me and at the drawings Drake placed on the coffee table. I studied Texas while they talked. What did he mean by my trusting Dillon was enough for him?

Not that it mattered. Just like how I could still feel his handprint on my wrist.

None of it mattered because I wouldn’t let it.

I wouldn’t think of his kindness as anything other than a growing friendship.

I would ignore his attractiveness, his ink-covered skin, his smirks, grins, and laughs.

I’d place him in the friendship zone because that was all it would ever be.

A scream burst out of the television, causing me to jump.



There’d been so much in the ambulance, and the sounds John had made while he… while he….

“Drake, turn off the TV.”

“Fuck,” I heard my brother say.

Blinking, I felt the wetness on my cheeks and quickly wiped at them. “Sorry,” I whispered into the now quiet room.

“Don’t apologise,” Drake ordered before he picked up his artwork and stormed out of the room.

Wincing, I glanced at Texas. The only light was the one that Drake must have turned on at some point, but I’d been lost in my head. “I didn’t mean to—”

Texas shifted closer, the popcorn bowl squished between us, and cupped the side of my face. “Like Drake said, don’t apologise, Maya. There’s gonna be many more times when you get lost in your head. Everyone knows this, and everyone knows what you went through. Let it happen, and let the people around you help you through it.”

My bottom lip trembled. “Shut up. Don’t say nice things. Not now. Not unless you want me to be a blubbering mess again,” I whispered, looking down into the bowl. My erratic heart was yelling at me to kiss him for being so nice. Thank God my brain was at least smarter and kept my body locked where it was.

Texas chuckled. “All right, baby. I’ll shut up, but know I don’t mind when you’re a blubbering mess.”

Groaning, I shook my head and gave him a feeble smile. I shifted back enough for him to drop his hand.


Just friends.

And that was okay. I loved the friends I already had, but I could always do with one more.



Ihad a feeling Maya had friend zoned me. But that was all right. She wasn’t near ready for my confession of the future I saw for us. I was also enjoying the time we’d been spending together. It was terrible to say, but I fucking loved that I’d had the chance to be there for her when she’d crashed over everything. When that prick’s words had set her off. I loved it because if I hadn’t had that chance, I doubted she’d have given me the time of day. She’d still be dodging me every time I was around. Now, I could tell she didn’t mind my company.

The day I’d seen her at Coyote’s business, I ruffled her hair, which I was sure caused her to leave. Coyote had called me a fucking idiot. At first, I didn’t know why, until I’d asked him just the other day about it, and he’d explained that she would have taken that as a brotherly or friendly pat. I could have fucking knocked myself out for it. I’d only done it because I’d wanted to touch her in some way.

Since then, I’d made sure not to do it again. I didn’t want her to get that impression from me. When the time did come, I couldn’t have her say I treated her in a “my friend’s sister” way or anything.

She’d have to see the difference, wouldn’t she?

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