Page 70 of Texas

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I liked it too much already. Knowing we were going to make dinner together. Like we were a couple.

A jolt went through me when he placed the salad items on the counter at my side. “Thanks,” I said, a little too high.

“You all right?”

“Yeah. Totally.” I picked up the lettuce and started breaking pieces off to wash.

His hand rested down on my shoulder. “I’m gonna hit the back deck and start cooking. How do you like your steak?”

“Well-done, please.”

He gave my shoulder a squeeze. “You got it.”

Jesus, it was like my lips were jealous of my shoulder. They wanted attention also.

No. They weren’t allowed to get any. I wasn’t completely sure he wanted a future with me anyway.

Yet the touches were coming more frequently. That meant something, right?

I quickly prepped the salad, which didn’t take long, and by the time I was done, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Did I walk out to him? Did I wait? Did I get myself a drink? Grab him a beer? Would it be rude to help myself? Would he care?

I took a deep breath and attempted to centre myself and my spiralling thoughts.

No, he wouldn’t care. If it was Ruin or my brother, they’d help themselves to his drinks, and I didn’t see the problem with me doing the same, since we were friends.

I grabbed a beer for Texas and myself a soda and then went out on the back patio. Texas hadn’t heard me, and his back was to me, so I got to take him in without being caught. Slowly I slid my gaze over his arms covered in ink, then his shoulders and back, which were covered by his black tee and club vest. His butt and then legs were next. All parts of him I wouldn’t mind touching.

“That drink for me?” came his amused voice.

My gaze shot up and straight into the window in front of him, which I hadn’t noticed before. It was connected to his shop that ran longer than the house. The blinds on the window were drawn, so he had a full view of my appraisal of him.


“Um, yeah.” I took the steps forward, but kept my distance, and thrust my arm out with his drink.

When he turned to take it, I looked down into the backyard. It was a good yard. A long one that was tidy and had a tree down the back where a garage was.


“Hope you didn’t mind me helping myself,” I said to the wood under my feet.

Thankfully, he faced the barbeque again. “You can help yourself to anything you see and want.”


My brain had officially shut down.

Nope, it woke up again to shove images at me of kissing Texas. If I had enough courage, I would push him around and jump into his arms to slant my mouth over his.

But I couldn’t conjure that courage up. Instead, my nerves skipped around on my insides.

Had he really meant what I thought he did?

I wasn’t brave enough to ask.

I hated that I wasn’t.

Texas saved me from my inner ramblings by asking how Drake and Ruby were. Even as I spoke, though, I couldn’t stop thinking about taking that leap, all the while wishing he would make the first move. This in-between was slowly driving me crazy.
