Page 9 of Texas

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I’d managed to get my coffee down by the time we stopped in front of a house that looked like it could use a makeover. There was music pumping from inside and lights flashing. A group of people stood in the front yard.

John and I grabbed our bags and made our way up the path. My partner opened the gate and called out, “Paramedics. We got a call about someone unconscious?”

“Yeah, over here.” A guy pointed down at the ground on the other side of a huge tree, and then he took a sip of whatever was in his cup. Once around the tree, I realised the people outside were all gathered around a prone form on the grass, staring and talking. “He’s probably just drunk,” the same guy said.

“Step back,” John ordered. They all did, just not far.

“Move back more, please,” I tried. They took another step and watched us work like we were a new television show.

John tapped on the unconscious guy’s cheek, and surprisingly, he opened his eyes. He smiled. “Oh, hey,” he called and tried to sit up.

We pushed at his shoulders to keep him in place.

“Please don’t move until we look you over. Do you know why you’re on the ground?” John asked.

The guy laughed. “Yeah.”

I flicked the penlight over his eyes. Glassy, bloodshot, and wide pupils. Could be alcohol or drugs or a mixture of both. I glanced at John, and he nodded in understanding. “What’s your name?”

“Phil.” He looked up at me. “Man, I just need something…. I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Phil. You’ve had a few drinks, right?”

He chuckled. “A few, yeah.”

“Maya, he has a cut on his leg that looks infected.”

I nodded. “Phil, how long have you had a sore leg?”

He waved a hand around. “Don’t feel it. It’s not sore.” He pushed at my hands. “Going home. Just tired.”

“Phil, how about you take a trip with us first? You can have a sleep in the vehicle while we take a look at your leg?”

“Nah.” He went to sit up and groaned, lying back down. “Feel dizzy.”

“Okay, Phil, just relax. John will go get the gurney, and we’ll wait here.”

“You sure?” John asked as he glanced around at the other people.

So far, the onlookers had stayed back, chatting and laughing among themselves. I couldn’t see them being a problem. “Yes.” Besides, I knew John wouldn’t be long.

I patted Phil’s shoulder. “Just rest there for a moment.” Glancing at the others, I asked, “Does anyone know Phil?” While I listened to the answers, I checked over Phil’s vitals.

“Never seen him before.”


“Didn’t he come with Brad?”

“I don’t think so. He showed up with Gail.”

It seemed no one knew Phil. Why was he at a party where no one knew him? It didn’t make sense unless someone inside knew him. Right then, I guessed it didn’t matter. We had a patient to treat, and that was what we’d do.

John came back, and together we got Phil onto the gurney and into the back of the ambulance.

Phil groaned and gripped his stomach. “It hurts.”
