Page 8 of Texas

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I shot my brows high. “Do you ever really get used to the hours?”

Easton laughed and shook his head. “No.”

“How’s Parker and Lan going?”

It was cute how his face lit up at the same time that he blushed. “They’re good. We’ll be at the next family barbeque at the compound, since we missed the last one.”

“Great. You don’t want Mum and her posse coming after you three.”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “No, we really don’t.”

“Maya, come on,” John called from our vehicle with a wave.

Reaching out, I pressed a hand to Easton’s elbow. “I’ll see you soon.”

“You will, and we can talk more about work.”

Nodding, I gave him a grateful smile. “I’d like that.”

By the time John and I were on the road, I knew it was going to be a quiet night. There hadn’t been a call in over an hour. It was great for everyone else, but the quiet only made things harder for me to stay awake.

“Favourite food?” John asked as he drove.

I laughed. “Haven’t you already asked me that?”

“Have I? Shit, I can’t remember.”

“It’s the old age getting to you.”

His glare only made me laugh louder. “Shut it, girlie.”

Reaching out, I patted his arm. “It’s all right, John. Aging happens to everyone.”

“You make me sound like I’m on my last legs. I’m not, smartarse.”

“Well, this smartarse could really go for a nice hot coffee to keep her awake.”

John snorted. “See how awake this old man is, girlie? I could run rings around your tired form.”

Rolling my eyes, I couldn’t help but smile. I loved working with John. He reminded me of a mixture of Dad’s club brothers. He also never minded if I gave him hell with the teasing. We’d gotten along from the first day, and I couldn’t have hoped for a better partner.

When he pulled into a twenty-four-hour petrol station where we knew the coffee didn’t taste like arse, I smiled over at him.

As he stopped the vehicle, I undid my seat belt. “You want the usual?”

“You know it.” He took out the romance novel that he’d been reading for a while and opened it. His wife, Moreen, loved to read, and he decided to check out some of her choices. He hadn’t been a fan of the polyamorous romances but didn’t mind romantic comedies. I thought it was cute how he read them so they’d have something to talk about.

I’d just grabbed the coffees and John’s donut when my phone rang. I glanced outside and saw John waving wildly.

We’d gotten a call. Finally.

I quickly threw the cash onto the counter and ran outside. John took the coffees and placed them in the holders while I got strapped in. We took off with the sirens blaring.

“What’s the call?”

“A bystander at a party said a guy collapsed. He’s breathing but not responding.”

“How far out?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

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