Page 10 of Descendant

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“Stop.” Some instinct inside her rose up to demand. “I won’t go outside.” Like she’d doused him with water, he stepped back immediately with his hands still on her waist.

Violet’s chest was heaving, and despite herself, her gaze fell to his jeans, to the obvious bulge below his belt, then back up to his face.

He cleared his throat, blinked. She noticed the gold was gone from his eyes. “All right,” he finally said, breathing out through his nose. “All right,” he repeated before he pushed away from her. He turned his back and shook out his hands like he was trying to clear his head.

Her heartbeat throbbed in her pants, and she leaned back against the door, brain scrambling to process, to reconcile how aroused she was with those strange yellow-ringed eyes, and the insanity her life had slipped into in the last day that felt like a month.

“You’re really a werewolf?” She felt stupid just for asking. “This isn’t all some joke?”

“Descendant.” He corrected her without turning around.

She swallowed and tried to clear the haze of lust, the weight of what had almost happened, that still hung thick in the room.

“You can turn into a giant dog?”

He turned to eye her over his shoulder. “Wolf, but the blood’s not pure enough anymore. All of us can change our eyes, some have speed or strength, but no one shifts.”

Violet gawked at him, then drew breath for another question.

“How old are you?” he asked before she could, trepidation in the words.

“Twenty-one,” she said, then added, “You?” because curiosity demanded she know.

“Thirty-two next month. You done with school?”

“Finished high school at seventeen. College wasn’t for me,” she confirmed, in keeping with this sudden rapid-fire question and answer session they were having.

And she’d been having a hell of a twenty-first year too, pissing off her father and taking care of Lila, right up until she’d slid headlong into crazy town.

“Show me the eye thing again,” she demanded.

He turned back to her, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Violet tried not to glance down at the crotch of his jeans and failed. When she looked back to his face, the smile was just a little bit bigger.

“You’re not much for manners,” he noted gruffly.

“Neither are you,” she shot back. “Most people ask what the other person wants before they take them home, hold them hostage, and dry hump them into a door.”

Humor cracked over his face, barely. “You liked it.”

“Your wolfy senses tell you that?” Violet sneered at the question but barely finished it before she was back against the door again, a strong hand holding her chin, forcing her to look up into his gold-ringed, green eyes.

“Your heart’s racing, and I can smell you.” He ran a finger down her neck and smirked at the goose bumps that rose in its wake.

She swallowed, struggling for a response, and he pulled back again leaving her cold, frustrated with her own inability to control her body and the eye trick she just couldn’t understand.

“Claiming me means fucking me?” she gritted out, brave enough to say it, when all of what he’d told her still felt like an abstract concept.

“No, I claimed you in the square. Mating you means fucking you, marking you with my bite, and making you a descendant so you’re safe in the community because you’re mine.”

She had to play his words back in her mind twice to even start to grasp them. “This is fucked,” she finally decided aloud. “So, when Jason said he was going to—” She was putting the pieces together, and her stomach turned at the image.

“Breed you and give you to his buddies too,” he supplied, and Violet started. He tapped his ears. “Wolfy senses.” He repeated her earlier words, and again she felt stunned, stupid.

“Are you going to—?” She couldn’t finish.

“Making you my mate is the only way you go from being a claimed pet to a person and have a shot at a life here.” There was an apology in his voice, but Violet didn’t buy it. “It’s my job to integrate you.”

“What if I don’t want that?” she demanded.
