Page 9 of Descendant

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Violet stared at him in disbelief.

“What did you mean by you claimed me?” she demanded, unease leaking through her.

“You’re human,” he said, like it explained anything at all. She shook her head at him in confusion. He seemed to steel himself for a moment, the set of his jaw hardening against whatever he was about to say. Dread pricked Violet’s skin. “You’re claimed but you’re not mated and you’re not a descendant. Until you are, it’s not safe for you to be outside.”

Violet’s brain stuttered and stalled and stuck on the wordmated.“You—what are you talking about? This is some kind of joke. It has to be a joke.” She pushed back from the counter, stool screeching against the hardwood floor. “Fuck this.”

Panic loomed over her. This was too weird, he was too serious, andmatedheld all kinds of connotations that told her she had to get out of this house and out of this crazy fucking town.

She was quick back to the living room, glad to see what looked like the front door, heedless of her bare feet and lack of coat. To her surprise, it opened easily when she turned the handle. Cool air hit her, made colder by the warmth of the fire roaring in the stove at her back.

Violet got one foot onto the freezing stone step outside before strong hands caught her and pulled her back. Then he was in the doorframe with her, holding her around the arms, looking down at her with an intensity that made her pulse spike.

“You’ll die out there,” he said, slowly, green eyes boring into her. “You’re in a community of werewolf descendants, and right now, until we’re mated, you’re a piece of property that can be borrowed or stolen or used by idiots like Jason.”

Violet shivered. His words sent ice down her spine, but his proximity, the press of him against her, and his huge bulk in the suddenly small space of the doorframe sent fire in its wake.

“Is this a joke?” she breathed out because it had to be.

He shook his head.

Werewolves, fucking werewolves.

“Get off me, I’ll take my chances.” She tried to push against him in the small space, but he only shoved her back, one thick leg slipping between hers.

His body pinned her to the wall from her chest all the way down. She sucked in a breath at the heat of him, a flush rising up her neck at the proximity and the traitorous way her body was reacting to it.

He took a breath and looked down at her. His Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed thickly. Her nipples tightened, sensitive against the soft cotton of her borrowed shirt.

“Let me go,” she demanded. He didn’t move. “Let me fucking—” The words died midsentence, and her hands froze where they’d been smacking against his arms, when strong fingers closed around her neck.

“Listen to me,” he said, voice rough, “I’m sorry this happened to you, but ithashappened. The Bluff is your home now, and until you’re mated and not a threat to yourself, you’re going to play by the rules. My rules.”

Violet swallowed hard against his hand. The pressure there was gentle, nothing close to the choking she’d endured in the forest, meant only to hold her, not hurt, she thought.

“You’re seriously telling me you’re a werewolf?” Challenge and disbelief hung heavy in the words.

“A descendant,” he corrected, and she would have laughed, if not for the intensity that had settled over them, the coil of anticipation in her gut as well as the goose bumps on her arms that she told herself were from the cold wind on one side and the hot fire on the other, not fromhim.

“You’re fucking crazy,” she breathed out and tried to push against him, but she only succeeded in grinding into his thigh.

His nostrils flared, eyes flashed dark, then the ring of gold she’d seen the night before in Jason’s irises came forward from the green of his. Violet’s mouth dropped open while her mind grappled to explainthat.

His strong fingers slid up to her chin and turned her head to the side, then his mouth was close, breath hot against her ear; her insides pulled tight at the tickle of it. “You will listen to me because the alternative is you die,” he said, and she could only breathe, only feel the ache of her bruised ribs with the doorframe digging into her back and him, flush against her front. She loathed him, but she couldn’t deny she was growing hot for him, her body betraying her, and as if he knew, he pressed forward. “I didn’t bring you here, but it’s done. Until I’ve mated you and marked you, you’re going to stay inside so you don’t end up attacked or worse. Do you understand?”

Shock kept her quiet, and heat, roaring molten heat, sprang up from low in her gut at the words. This was sick, wrong, and she needed to get home, but he held her there, lips brushing the shell of her ear while he breathed.

“Say ‘yes,’” he demanded.

A bead of sweat trickled down her hairline, and Violet wasn’t sure if it was from the heat of the fire or from him…this. Something warm and wet caught the sweat when it touched the column of her neck, and her breath caught in her throat when she realized it was his tongue, and she was instantly slick between the legs.

“Violet.” His voice in her ear was almost a growl. “Tell me yes, that you won’t get yourself killed. If I can’t trust you, I’ll take you inside, and we’ll handle this now.”

“Handle this,” he said ominously, and part of her clenched and pulled tight at the idea of himmatingher while a part of her balked and reminded her this wasinsanity,and she shouldn’t be wet and hot andcurious. She enjoyed looking at men but gravitated to women who were soft and easy and quick to tumble into bed with her. No man had ever been as close to her as this.

Apparently, her silence was her answer, and she was tugged sideways, the door slammed closed where she’d been, before she was back against it and he was on her, scratchy stubble on the delicate skin of her neck while his mouth pressed hot kisses and wet lines there.

His large hands slid around her hips, and he pressed the crotch of his jeans into hers. She could feel his half-hard cock nudging the apex of her thighs, rubbing there. With the attention to her neck, she was boneless, breathless, and overstimulated for a moment before she tried to push against him.
