Page 26 of Descendant

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“Supply run today. Come with me?”

“You going to stop manhandling me if I do?” she shot back, no malice in the words.

“Yes, ma’am,” he promised, and her traitorous body melded back against him.

“Then yes.”

His lips brushed her hairline before he let her go, disappearing from against her so fast she almost hit the deck. She whipped around to see amusement dancing on his features and dared him to laugh. He had the good sense to turn back to his phone. Violet smiled.

“OH MY GOSH, you’re that unclaimed Mikel Davis saved. Bless your heart.”

She could only watch Mikel pick through dozens of boxes of screws for so long before she lost it. Violet had wandered off to browse what was Forest Bluff’s answer to the Home Depot, when she was interrupted.

A young woman was smiling at her, and Violet could pick out the falseness of it at a hundred yards. She appraised her, unimpressed with her platinum-blonde hair, shirt and jeggings ensemble, and that saccharine smile.

“Mikel and I go way back,” she insisted, right as Violet turned to continue browsing paint chips.

“Congratulations,” she offered, her mind pegging this woman as one of Mikel’snice offersand leaving her instantly over the entire interaction already.

“We were all so surprised when he claimed you.” If she noticed the brush-off, this chick wasn’t taking it. “I’m not surprised he’s not mated you. Don’t get me wrong, but I’m sure he’s very conflicted. Everyone thinks it was gracious of him to step up. We’ve not had an unclaimed in almost fifty years, would you believe?”

Violet took a step down the aisle, eyes on an array of blue shades, yet she couldn’t help but listen.

“Of course, saving a random life and actually mating—”

“Miranda.” Mikel’s voice cut in. Violet looked up and he was beside her.

“There you are!” Miranda beamed, and Violet’s eyes narrowed at her hand on his chest before he turned back to her and tactfully brushed away the touch.

“Paint?” he asked.

Violet shrugged, but Miranda was undeterred and quick to insert herself back into the conversation.

“I was just telling your new friend how kind it was for you to save her. Of course, nobody expects you’ll actually go through with it and mate her. A man like you has plenty of options,” Miranda said.

Violet swore Miranda’s blue eyes flashed gold for a second, and she saw red.

“But it’s so nice that you have such abig heart.” Miranda gushed on, and the audacity of this bitch galled her.

“Not the only big thing he has,” she cut in, that perfect politician’s daughter smile she’d mastered since she could talk on her face. She watched the remark land. Miranda spluttered.

“Good seeing you, Miranda.” Mirth danced in Mikel’s voice while he hooked an arm around Violet and tugged her away.

When they reached the cart, he caught her around the waist, set her down atop the neat stacks of wood and plywood sheets he’d organized on it, and proceeded to push her down the aisle.

“Why are you terrible at staying put?”

“That your ex?” she shot back. She hadn’t meant to ask, but he seemed amused that she had.

“Not since fifth grade,” he admitted and that shocked her. Behind them, the blonde was still watching, and Violet caught her eye for a scathing smile.

“Jealous?” Mikel asked, leaning in close with humor in his tone. “We did hold hands once at a school dance.”

“Seems she’d like to do something more than hold your hand,” Violet snarled back, irritated with him.

A strong hand caught her jaw. “Something like this?”

He kissed her, just the chaste press of lips until Violet’s brain caught up, and she seized on him. Her fingers twisted in his shirt, pulled him down until they were sharing hot, open-mouthed, scorching kisses, and her heels were hooked around the back of his legs, encouraging him between them, closer, until they were pressed tight and hot together.
