Page 28 of Descendant

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Mikel’s face darkened, his expression stormy, and something in it kept Violet quiet all the way home, pensive over what it might mean that the alpha of Forest Bluff and the mayor of Frankston were in cahoots.

No sooner were they back in the driveway than Mikel was out of the truck, door slammed behind him. Violet sat for a long moment, relieved for a break in the sudden tension that she didn’t understand. The bang of him jumping into the bed sounded behind her, followed then by the clack of him unloading wood. She listened for a long moment, tried to breathe out some of her frustration with his sudden brooding, then unclipped her seatbelt and slid down out of his monstrosity of a vehicle.

When she rounded the back, there were already neat piles of wood forming on the driveway. “I told you it was Jared at Target. My dad obviously knows people here. Shit, he might even be in on this whole thing. It wouldn’t surprise me.” The realization rocked her.

He paused for a minute to consider this then carried on unloading. The dismissal stung.

“Hey,” she demanded, “why are you mad at me?”

He hefted a thick beam and chucked it atop the pile with a clatter before he looked at her. “Not mad,” he insisted, yet his jaw was tight, his eyes hard. “Don’t like Kane sniffing around you.”

He turned back to the wood. Violet stood uselessly, waiting while he tossed more pieces off the bed, until she got bored and headed into the house. She wasn’t about to stand around and watch him brood.

“GOING OUT,” HEsaid, when he stuck his head around the bedroom door a few hours later.

Violet nearly knocked over the bottle of nail polish she’d just finished with, in her haste to turn around. He’d stayed out in the shop all afternoon, and she’d left him to his brooding, setting a sandwich on the bench out there with a mug of his coffee, and deciding she would amuse herself until he was ready to talk. It had taken longer than expected.

“Where?” She struggled to turn around without smudging her glossy black, still-drying nails on the comforter.

“Woods.” Irritation flashed in his tone, and it rose in Violet to match.

“I’ll get my coat—”

“You’re not coming.”

Violet sucked in a breath, but he was faster.

“It’s the full moon, things can get—interesting. We’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

She hopped to her feet. “Maybe you have, but I’ve spent the last six hours staring at the wall waiting for you to be done with your tantrum.”

His eyes flashed gold. She ignored it.

“Am I your prisoner?” It had been days since she’d said something like that, and the effect of it was instant.

His jaw unwound and he looked away, apologetic.

“We don’t have to talk tonight, but whatever you’re doing, can I help?” she asked. It was more conciliatory than she’d planned to be, but the heaviness clinging to him didn’t sit well with her. She missed his easy smile, the little snatches of humor she was learning to recognize from him, the brush of his hands on her skin.

“Put something warmer on.” He cleared his throat and recovered. “I’m logging. You’ll be bored. Come if you want.”

It wasn’t the enthusiasm she’d hoped for, but Violet hurried to do as he’d said, adding a sweater over the laced-back shirt that had gotten her a severe eyebrow that morning, as well as her coat. She rolled her eyes when she realized he was waiting for her in the truck but went out and climbed up without comment.

He didn’t speak on the drive. When he killed the engine further into the forest, he was quick around the cab to open the passenger door. He tugged her to him to lift her down and some spiteful, little part of Violet told her not to look at him.

“You put something warmer under here?” His fingers tugged at the collar of her coat, then his palm was against her cheek, thumb smoothing the soft skin under her eye. The touch felt like an apology.

“Yeah.” She met his eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he parroted back with a crooked smile that melted her. She pushed him gently.

“You going to tell me what’s going on up here?” She tapped his temple.

He snagged her hand and surprised the shit out of her when he pressed his lips to her palm then the inside of her wrist, the tenderness disarming her.

“Yes, ma’am. Once I get it straightened out.” He looked at her with so much earnestness that she relented.

“Fine. Ready to work on some wood?”
