Page 35 of Descendant

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Somewhere across the fire, Etah and Ryan danced together. All around her, bodies hummed, each plugged in to the same swelling energy, stepping and turning, reveling in the amber glow while the moon rose higher above. She was just one of them, one piece of a whole, lost to the hive mind, sweat shining on her as she danced and danced.

She wished for Mikel, strong hands on her hips and his hot mouth on her skin.Mating.

The drums picked up, or maybe that was her heartbeat, but it was easy to go with it, to dance a little faster, accept the drink that Ryan pressed into her hand when he popped up beside her, then down it and toss the plastic cup away.


Her skin was fire warm, but she was hot underneath, hungry for him, for the hard swell of his cock against her thigh, the slow burn when he pushed inside and the sting of his bite when he made her his. The drums intensified.

She needed him.

“Hey, baby girl.” Firm hands grabbed her waist, then she was moving with someone, a heartbeat close to hers, and heat at her back. It lessened the ache of wanting him, just barely.

They danced almost a full revolution of the fire before Violet twisted in her arms and got a good look at her. Golden irises blazed back.

“Get the fuck off her, Natalia,” Red cut in, her face drawn and angry for reasons Violet's brain wouldn't understand, as it still felt light and floaty and hot and dark all in the same breath.

An exchange happened that she missed. Then, they were dancing again, Red was gone, and the moon was thrumming overhead and beating in her blood with the drums, until it consumed her. Maybe hands brushed her arms, brushed the bare skin of her back, but she was just a slave to the energy, the pull when it swelled and the ebb when it exhaled.

Mating. Her brain remembered, and she burned, hot and wet and eager. The grip on her hips tightened, and all she could do was dance, sweat beading on her temple and sliding down her hairline.

A hand closed around her upper arm, cool and welcome, and she knew before she turned around that it was him. The woman at her back stumbled away, and Violet looked up into blazing green-gold eyes. She tugged at him to dance with her, but he only held her steady, only stooped and growled at the woman who’d assigned herself as Violet’s dance partner. Mikel yanked Violet out of the circle, and her entire body went cold.

“You brought her to a ritual?” He was snarling at someone. She was surprised to look up and find it was Dani.

“Red said you’d bred her, and she smelled fine on the way over. Besides, she’s still a human, so she shouldn’t be affected.” She held up her hands. “Felt bad for her sitting up in that house by herself, so yes, we brought her and tried to show her what life here is like when you’re not the woodland recluse.”

He growled, and it moved something hot inside Violet.

“Hey.” She tugged on his belt to get his attention. “I wanted to come.” And now she wanted to go, to get home where she could pop the buckle under her hands, stroke him until he was thick and hard with the need to be inside her.

Dani spluttered and covered her nose. “Get her out of here before there’s a brawl,” she hissed at him.

“What are you guys—” She didn’t get to finish asking before he was towing her along. Her mind struggled to hold on to the importance of staying anyway—being alone with him sounded better because, god, she needed him.

When he tossed her up into the cab, something firm bumped her hip. As soon as he was in the driver’s seat, Violet seized on him, and sure enough, he was hard. He took her hand off and set it firmly back in her lap. Her cunt ached.

“I missed you all night,” she heard herself say, and she had.

His gold eyes were fixed on the road. “You’re drunk,” he told her, not unkindly.

He was right that she’d been drinking, but with him there she didn’t feel drunk. She felt grounded, unblocked, like she could see the path clearly without the taint of stress or fear.

“Bite me,” she requested softly, amazed by how right it felt, how her blood sang at the idea, how she understood she wasmeantto be his.

Tension radiated off him, the tendon in his neck strained, and a vein at his temple pounded. “Violet, you smell like you’re in heat. The moon water shouldn’t affect humans and unmated descendants don’t drink it, at least not in polite company.”

Her brain pondered that for a long moment before tossing it. She slid her hand up his thigh. “I want you.”

His expression was steely, gold eyes focused on the blacktop ahead, turned silver by the moon. When she reached his fly, she gave him a firm squeeze, and heat poured through her.

“I already wanted you,” she insisted.

And she had, distantly she recognized that she’d been coming to terms with the fact he’d eventually bite her, first because they had no other option and then because she wanted to be that for him, wanted to belong and behisin the way that mattered most here.

“I was scared.” She rubbed him, voice soft and persuasive but hungry. “And now I just feel so clear.” He huffed out a breath, and she leaned across the console to kiss his cheek, then his jaw. “And so ready for you.”

The truck swerved to the side of the road and screeched to a stop. Mikel killed the engine, and for a long moment, Violet watched him breathe hard into the silence, watched the bob of his Adam’s apple when he swallowed, the white of his knuckles where he gripped the wheel.
