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Chapter 16

Her uncle’s loyal retainer turned at the sound of her voice.

“Suleiman!” Hester gasped again. “What on earth areyoudoing here?”

A broad smile of welcome spread across the Mameluke’s face. “Lady Morden!” he croaked, then cast a brief, fearful glance down the corridor. “Quick! Come!”

Hester rushed forward. Suleiman caught the knob of the door behind him, opened it, and bustled her inside.

As soon as they were alone, he opened his arms wide and pulled her into a crushing bear hug that almost swept her off her feet, then he held her at arm’s length and beamed down at her in evident delight. “Praise Allah! Little dove, how is it you are here?”

Hester laughed incredulously. “How areyouhere? I thought you’d been bitten by a snake or fallen into a burial shaft back at Fayium.”

Suleiman’s black mustache quivered in outrage. “That son of a donkey Drovetti! May eagles peck out his liver. May crocodiles eat his heart! His men attacked me when you climbed into the well. They asked for you, but I say you are up in the hills, making maps. They beat me and bring me to a ship, and we sail here. To France! Drovetti has presented me as a gift to the French emperor.”

“That beast! I’m so glad you’re all right.”

Suleiman’s expression darkened. “When I get my hands on him, the snake. . .”

“Is he still here?” Hester asked urgently. “Drovetti, I mean.”

“I have seen him, fawning near Bonaparte, but he keeps far away from me,” Suleiman said darkly.

“He’s the reason I’m here, too. He stole a necklace I found in the sand near the tombs.”

Suleiman’s bushy eyebrows rose, and Hester made a waving gesture in the air. “Napoleon is convinced the thing has magical powers.”

His expression became intent. “What does this necklace look like?”

“It’s rather lovely, actually. A chain with a pendant shaped like a scorpion, set with rubies. I showed it to the healer, and he said it had something to do with an ancient Egyptian goddess named Serqet.”

Suleiman’s eyes grew wide. “The scorned goddess!” he breathed reverently. “I know of this legend. Madam, he speaks true. It is cursed! Great evil comes to those who possess it. We cannot allow this French dog to have it.”

“I quite agree. I was hoping he’d left it in here.” Hester cast a quick look around the chamber. “Is this where Napoleon sleeps?”

“It is, but I do not think he would leave something of such value here.”

“That’s what I told Harry,” Hester groused.

“Who is this Harry person?”

“Oh. Ah. Harry Tremayne.” She paused, trying to think of an adequate descriptor for the irritating, irresistible brute. “He’s an acquaintance from England. A friend of the family. He came out to Fayium to find me.”

Suleiman beamed. “I am pleased you have a man to keep you safe. With your esteemed uncle gone, I feared for you, my friend.”

Hester laid a hand on his meaty arm. “Thank you.”

She crossed to the window and peered out. Judging from the crowds gathered outside, Napoleon was still holding court downstairs. She raked the throng for a handsome black horse and its equally handsome rider but couldn’t spy them anywhere. She turned back to Suleiman. “We don’t have much time. Can you help us get the necklace back?”

“Of course.” Suleiman interlinked his fingers and flexed his arms. His knuckles cracked menacingly. “It will be my pleasure.”

“We have a ship waiting at Cannes. We can take you back to Egypt as soon as we retrieve the necklace.”

“I do not think Bonaparte is wearing it around his neck, but he is always putting his hand inside the breast of his jacket, as if to check on something. Perhaps he has hidden Serqet’s treasure there?”

Hester’s heart leapt. “You could be right. We can’t get close to him while he is awake, but surely he doesn’t sleep with his coat on?”

“The man barely sleeps at all. He stays awake all hours of the night, dictating letters to his poor secretaries.” Suleiman indicated a small metal-bound casket on a side table. “He has a box for his hats and another for his pocket watch and other jewels, but I do not think he will store the necklace in there. He will not want anyone to see it. He will keep in his coat. I will try to get it when he bathes tonight.”
