Page 24 of Worth a Chance

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Cammie was so lucky to have a dad who was involved.

I wasn’t sure why seeing Ben with his daughter had me questioning everything I thought I knew about him. I was around dads all the time, but most weren’t single and desirable. Ben had always gotten to me in ways other men hadn’t.

I sat at a nearby picnic table with Hunter while observing Ben with Cammie. He helped her put on her helmet and gloves, then stepped back when she went inside.

He stood, his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms crossed over his chest while he shouted tips as the balls whizzed by her. “Step closer to the plate. There. That’s the spot. Swing a little sooner.”

Finally, Cammie made contact.

“Foul ball,” Hunter shouted.

“That’s it,” Ben said, taking a step closer to the fence separating him from Cammie.

When the light went out, indicating no more balls, Cammie came out with her face lit up with excitement. “Did you see that?”

“That was amazing.” Instead of tapping the top of her helmet, he pulled her into his side and patted her shoulder. Cammie looked up at him with so much love and admiration.

The sweet scene melted my heart.

“You’re up,” Ben said to me, and I couldn’t for the life of me remember what he was referring to.

“Aunt Brooke, it’s my turn.”

“Oh, right.” I stood, digging in my pocket for the tokens.

Cammie asked for a drink from the vending machine, and Ben handed her a dollar.

I expected Ben to stand off to the side or sit at the picnic table with Cammie while Hunter batted. Instead, he stood beside me in a similar position to the one he took while watching his daughter. He offered tips as Hunter swung. With Ben’s advice, he made contact with a ball a few pitches in.

“That’s it. You’ve got it,” Ben said.

Hunter tightened his grip on the bat, his jaw set in a determined line, as he waited for the next pitch. This time he hit it straight on.

Ben clapped. “Good hit. Now get ready for the next one.”

Hunter reset in the batter’s box, and I tried to calm my racing heart. Being so close to Ben, seeing him in a different light, did funny things to my body. I felt warm and tingly yet amped at the same time.

The rest of the pitches passed in a blur, and when Hunter came out with a triumphant smile on his face, I told him he did a great job.

Ben slapped Hunter’s shoulder. “See, you just needed a few minor tweaks to see improvement.”

My heart ached at the look on Hunter’s face. He looked up to Ben, which wasn’t a good idea because Ben wasn’t part of our family.

His business would be directly competing with mine. If my customers changed course and went to his store each morning, I’d be sunk. I depended on a steady influx of customers to pay the lease on the space and to fix equipment that broke often.

“One more round?” Ben asked Cammie, who was already opening the door to enter the cage. “Remember what I told you. Step closer to the plate, tighten your grip, and swing a few seconds sooner.”

Cammie swung and hit the first ball.

“Thatta girl,” Ben said, pumping his fist in the air.

Hunter let out a whoop, and Ben moved closer, lifting his arms over his head, and curling his fingers around the links. The motion made his shoulders look impressively broad, and the shirt pulled taut on his back, outlining sleek muscles.

I licked my suddenly dry lips. He was fit and great with kids and all the other things I valued in a man, driven and hardworking. It was too bad my perfect guy meter was broken.

When you lived with someone for two years, believing your marriage was the real deal, and you find out it wasn’t, you realize nothing is as it seems. Anyone could be hiding a secret or have a hidden agenda.

Cammie hit several more balls, then came out, asking if we’d seen it.

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