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“What? I don’t have time for that, not with this headliner wedding and everything.”

“But Mr. Smith has an appointment.”

“Why would you give him an appointment when you know how busy I am?”

“It was set up a while back, and I totally forgot about it.” The smile slipped from Brooke’s face. “He seems like a really nice guy. What should I do?”

Maybe this man would be reasonable and let her recommend another party-planning service. She had an entire list of them. Surely someone would be able to fit him in—she hoped.

“Send him in.”

“You’re going to like him.” Brooke smiled again as she walked away.

Seconds later, the man was ushered through the doorway. Clara got to her feet to greet him. When her gaze landed on her newest client, the breath caught in her throat. This was not Mr. Smith.

Her pulse picked up its pace. “Andrew, what are you doing here?”

He smiled and shook his head. “You really do need to work on your greetings.”

She sighed. He was right, but he kept catching her off guard. She’d always prided herself on maintaining her composure, but Andrew was the exception to that rule—in fact, he was the exception to every rule—from his corny come-on lines that made her laugh, to his toe-curling, mind-blowing kisses.

Don’t think about that now.

Think about work.

Not his kisses. Or being held in his arms. Definitely not that.

He moved toward her with a noticeable limp. She glanced away, pretending she hadn’t noticed, but the questions circled round in her mind. She refused to ask. He’d tell her when he was ready.

Andrew held out his hand to shake hers. Her gaze moved from his outstretched arm to his face. His eyes gleamed with a challenge. Seriously?

Not about to back down, she slipped her hand into his. Right away, she knew she’d made a mistake. A tremor raced up her arm and settled in her chest, making her heart beat faster. She quickly withdrew her hand.

Realizing Brooke was still lingering at the doorway, Clara glanced her way. “Thanks. I’ve got this.”

Brooke’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. Clara already knew that later there would be many questions about Andrew—questions she didn’t want to answer. Besides being her employee, Brooke was also one of her closest friends. They’d met the first week Clara had moved to San Francisco, when they’d both been waiting to view the same low-rent, one-bedroom apartment. In the end, they’d ended up with apartments in the same complex. So besides being co-workers, they were also neighbors.

The click of the door being closed jarred Clara from her meandering thoughts. She moved back behind her desk and sat down. Without any further physical contact, she hoped to keep her thoughts on track.

“Andrew, why are you here?” She leaned back, causing the secondhand chair to groan. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she returned to the upright position, making the chair creak again. “And what’s with calling yourself Mr. Smith?”

“Sorry about that. I knew if I used my real name, you wouldn’t take the appointment, and I really need your help.”

He was right, she would have found an excuse to avoid him. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what was so important that he’d go to so much bother. “What sort of help?”

“I need to arrange a bachelor party for my brother. And since I’ve been given the honor of being his best man, I need it to be extra special. Now that we’ve gotten to know each other, I want to know…” Andrew shifted his weight from one foot to other. “Well, I want him to know that I’m really happy we’re brothers. And… And I’m sorry about the past.”

Wow. The man she’d been engaged to never would have said those words. Something big must have happened to cause this transformation. “I still don’t think I’m the right person to help you.”

“I’m running out of time. You’re well aware, there isn’t much time to plan an elaborate party with the wedding just a few weeks away.”

She was confused. Was he trying to say that he was only interested in her professional skills? “And this is what you wanted to talk to me about at the chapel?”

He nodded. “What did you think I wanted?”

“Um, nothing.” Heat swirled in her chest and rose up her neck. When he’d mentioned them having a fresh start, he obviously hadn’t been referring to their personal relationship. She’d obviously spent too much time around hopeful brides.

His gaze met hers. “So will you do it?”
