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“Oh my, why would you think that?”

“I, uh, never mind. What did you need?”

“I was hoping you could stop by. I have something to discuss with you.”

Clara had a lot of things to do that day. “Can we discuss it on the phone?”

“I’d prefer to discuss these matters in person, if you don’t mind.”

“Uh…” She was already out and about, so why not? “I’ll be there shortly.”

“Oh, good. I’ll put the tea on.”

“See you soon.” Clara ended the call and glanced up at her friend. “Sorry about that. Looks like I’m needed elsewhere.”

“Too bad it’s not with your handsome client.” Maria paused and looked at her. “He is handsome, isn’t he?”

Clara pursed her lips together as the amusement played over her friend’s face. “Yes. He’s handsome. But that doesn’t mean anything. We’re over. We’re way over.”

“You just keep telling yourself that.” Maria wiped off the counter. “What else do you need as far as the wedding?”

“I’ve checked off most of my list, well, almost everything.”

“What’s left?” Maria asked. “Is it anything I can help you with?”

Clara shook her head. “You’re already doing enough. Don’t worry I’ve got this.”

“You look worried about something.”

She sighed. “It’s just this bachelor party. Andrew sprang it on me at the last minute, and I can’t seem to find the right location for it. Everything I show him is either too boring or it’s too public.”

“I know you’ll find just the right spot. You always do.” Maria sent her a reassuring smile.

It was true. She always found the right settings for events, but this time there was so much pressure to get it right. The more stress she put on herself, the harder it was to think outside the box. And with Andrew being her client, her pride refused to come up with a new setting that was anything other than impressive.

“I hope you’re right.” Clara slipped her phone back into her purse.

“I am. You’ll see. Now when do I get to meet Andrew?”

Never. Clara held back the spontaneous answer. “I… I don’t know.”

Maria’s smile broadened. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“I should be going. I need to go take care of something.” Clara stepped toward the door. “Let me know if you have any problems with the menu.”

“I will. And Clara?”


“Relax. Everything is going to work out.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you later.” Clara made a hasty retreat, not wanting to discuss her relationship with Andrew any longer. He was her past. Nothing more.

It was what she kept reminding herself of on the short drive to the wedding chapel. When she parked and got out of the car, the lull of the ocean called to her. It was the perfect day: not too hot and not too cold. She longed to go for a stroll along the beach.

As she stood there next to her car, she realized she didn’t have time for such luxuries as feeling the sun-warmed sand between her toes. She needed to find out what was so important that Mabel called her over there. Hopefully, there weren’t any problems with the chapel.

Her gaze moved to the building, and that was when she saw the big red real estate sign hanging in front of it. She turned and noticed there was one out at the road. Her stomach knotted up. Her perfect wedding spot was about to be sold.
