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She sat up straighter. “Andrew? What’s the matter?”

“There’s been a huge mix-up with tonight’s plans. I need your help to straighten everything out.”

“What? But why is this the first I’m hearing of it?” Her mind spun with a flurry of frantic thoughts.

“I don’t know. But I really need you.”

If the matter wasn’t so serious, she might question the true intent of his words. But she knew he was referring to a debacle with the bachelor party. “What’s wrong? Maybe I can fix it from here.”

“You can’t. It’ll have to be dealt with in person. I’ve sent a car to bring you to the helipad.”

“If it’s the helicopter ride, I can call the pilot—”

“No, it’s not that. Just come. Please.”

She glanced down at her clothes. She was still wearing the same thing she’d worn to the office, a pink skirt that stopped a couple of inches above her knees and a white blouse. They were a bit wrinkled, but nothing too outrageous. Besides, who would notice her attire when there was a problem to straighten out?

“Okay. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

“Good. The car should be there shortly. I’ll be waiting for you at the helipad.”

Clara ended the call before jumping to her feet.

So much for the wedding going too smoothly.

A quick glance in the mirror had her doing a swift touch-up to her makeup and sweeping back a few loose strands of hair. If this call had come from anyone but Andrew, she would have pressed for answers over the phone, certain that events were being blown out of proportion. But Andrew didn’t overreact. If he said she had to be there, she believed him.

She was out the door in a flash. Just as Andrew promised, there was a car waiting for her. With it being later in the evening, the traffic congestion in the city had lightened. She was anxious to find out what had gone wrong with her plans.Please don’t let it be anything major.

When they pulled to a stop in the parking lot, she rushed to the office at the helipad where she found Andrew. He was alone. She glanced all around. Where was his brother? Had it been so bad that he’d left?Say it isn’t so.

“What’s going on?” She did her best to sound calm, even though her insides were twisted with nervous tension.

“Come with me.” He took her hand and headed for the door leading to the helipad.

“Andrew, I don’t understand.”

“You will soon. Trust me.”

She shouldn’t, but she did. No matter what had happened between them, she trusted him with her life. She firmly believed he would always protect her.

He stopped next to a helicopter whose door was propped open. When he stepped to the side, as though waiting for her to climb inside, she sent him a puzzled look.

“Where’s your brother?”

“Not here.”

“Obviously. But why not? Is he already at the party?”

Andrew’s smile broadened. “You were always the curious sort. Just climb in, and you’ll find out.”

She crossed her arms. “Andrew, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”

He sighed and shook his head. “I should have known you would be stubborn.”

“Stubborn? I rushed here because you said there was a problem—”

“There was, but it’s fixed now.”
