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“But how?”

“Just by you being here. This evening is for you.”

“I don’t understand. What about the bachelor party?”

Andrew sent her a knowing smile. “There was a conflict. I rescheduled it for tomorrow night. So this evening is a trial run. And just so we don’t keep the pilot waiting, would you like to climb in?”

When he held his hand out to assist her into the helicopter, she hesitated. “But I can’t. I have invitations to address.”

“And they’ll be there tomorrow. If need be, I’ll help you.” He paused as though considering what she’d said. “Isn’t that something the bride should be doing?”

Clara shrugged. “In most cases, but your brother’s wedding is a special case.”

Andrew nodded in understanding. “I’m just worried that you’re doing too much.”

“And that’s what tonight’s about? Making sure I don’t burn out before the big day?” Part of her wanted to believe he was merely watching out for her welfare. It would keep everything safe between them. But another part of her wanted him to say he was trying to impress her because he was still in love with her.

He gazed deeply into her eyes, causing her stomach dip. “Tonight is about you having some time off to enjoy yourself. You know, if I recall correctly, it wasn’t so long ago you were saying those words to me.”

“And you never listened to me—”

“Ah, but see, you’re smarter than I am. That’s why you’ll accept my offer.”

Was that a challenge? It sure sounded like it to her. It was the little nudge she needed to accept his offer. “Okay. Let’s go.”

He smiled as though knowing she couldn’t resist his charms. But he was wrong. She could resist his heart-thumping smile. Couldn’t she? And where exactly was this evening going to lead them? She had to admit she was intrigued.


Thequicklyplannedeveningwas thankfully going according to plan.

Andrew glanced over at Clara as the helicopter flew past the Golden Gate with the last rays of sunshine in the background. Talk about a spectacular view. His gaze was no longer on the landscape, though, but rather on his beautiful date. Clara was simply the most stunning woman he’d ever known. He had no idea what she’d ever seen in him. He could only hope she might see it again.

A few minutes later, they touched down on the helipad atop the building Clara touted as housing one of San Francisco’s swankiest nightclubs. He wished she was looking at him so he could gauge her reaction to his plans. Had he made a mistake in taking her on a date she had planned? But she had said she wished she could be involved. That had to mean something, right?

It wasn’t until they were out of the chopper and making their way to the stairs that she turned to him. He wasn’t able to read her expression.

His muscles tensed. “Did you enjoy the flight?”

She smiled. “I loved it. Seeing the city from the sky, all lit up with the sunset in the background, was amazing. It was very helpful for me. I’ll be sure to personally recommend it to my clients in the future. I hope your brother will enjoy it just as much. Do you think so?”

“Tonight isn’t about your business or your clients, which includes my brother. Tonight is about you letting loose and enjoying yourself like you used to do.” He reached for her.

Clara stepped back and narrowed her gaze. “What are you doing?”

“Trust me.” When she didn’t protest, he reached forward, releasing the big hair clip holding her hair back. Her blond curls tumbled down around her shoulders. “Much better.”

A frown marred her beautiful face. “I don’t have time to enjoy myself. I have to make my business a huge success.”

“You can worry about that tomorrow. Right now, you have a party to attend, and you’re the guest of honor.”

“But I can’t stop worrying. I just hate the thought of losing the little chapel. I can’t afford to buy it outright, but I’ve been considering your idea about applying for it to be an historic designation. It would protect it from some developer coming in and demolishing it in order to build beach condos.”

He smiled. “Sounds like you’ve been busy.”

“I have been. And I can’t stop now. I’ve been putting together a pitch to buy the wedding chapel.”

“At least give me a few minutes of your attention. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
