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Feeling like my body is about to dry up, turn to dust, and blow across the room, I peek one eye open, then squeeze both of my eyes shut to block out the brightness pouring through the window not three feet from my bed.

Mental note: Close the goddamn curtain before you go to sleep, dumbass.

Fuck, I’m thirsty.

I smack my lips together, feeling the need to drink the Pacific Ocean amount of water, and peel my eyes open again. Staring at a ceiling that’s not my own, I feel around for the nightstand, finding my phone—eight in the morning.If this were a normal day, in a normal situation, I would already be up, hungover or not, ready for my morning run.

I’m disciplined. Discipline keeps me thinking clearly. But,thisisn’t exactly my normal.

I sit up, feeling the weight of my bladder, then scoot off the bed. Looking to the right, I notice the smallest fucking closet I’ve ever seen stuffed to the brim with my very expensive suits. Then look to the left, seeing the rest of my belongings in a pile on a chair, overflowing onto the floor.

Fuck me.

I stagger out of my room to the bathroom, take a piss, then drag myself toward the kitchen to drink my weight in—hopefullyspring—water. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I notice a woman standing with her back to me at the kitchen sink.


That’s all I notice; her exquisitely bubbly ass in nothing but boy short underwear—which I fucking love on women, by the way—and a tight tank top. Typically I don’t double down on the fucks I give the randos I bring home, but for this specific ass, I’m willing to make an exception. In fact, I’d be honored to.

I rub my cock over my boxer briefs, ambling toward the ass of the century, andwhat do you know, I’m hard and ready to play. I lean into the counter with my arms on either side of her and press my erection into those beautiful ass cheeks.

“Morning, sweetheart,” I purr, a sleepless night clear in my rasp.

She jumps with a squeal, dropping the mug she’s holding, causing it to shatter in the sink. She whips around, grazing her ass across my dick when she does, andfuck, I’m painfully hard for this woman.

“What are you doing?!” she spits, pushing my chest.

Surprised by her apprehension—and honestly, a little fucking offended by it considering what we did to each other last night—I take a couple of steps back and lean against the counter opposite her.

“I’m initiating bending you over this sink…” I say, squinting through my pounding headache, not ignoring the way her eyes immediately drop to my cock.

That’s right, baby. Impressive isn’t it?

But she doesn’t smile. She looks pissed, actually. Hot as hell, and a little turned on, but pissed.

“Who are you exactly?” I ask, confused when I don’t recognize her.

Her eyebrows shoot to the ceiling. “Jesus. You’re a real piece of work. I’m Winter… Sondra’s maid of honor…” Her big brown eyes blink back at me. “We’re staying here together…”

“Holy shit. Grimm, that you?” My eyes drop to her plump, pouty lips, then journey south to her impeccably perky tits. They’re not very big, but perky as hell, and I can tell even through the thin layer of cotton, her pebbled little nipples are gorgeous. Certainly enough to fill my hand… And my mouth. “You clean up nicely. I thought you were Jennifer—wait, no, Jessica?”

“They’re still passed out on the couch, asshole. So nice of you to let them sleep in your bed,” she says with an eye roll.

I look over my shoulder at the two half-naked women laid out across the couch. Then look back at my sexy, but too-fucking-prudish roommate. “Hmm, I’ve been told I’m not very observant.”

“No…” She cocks an eyebrow. “It’s definitely not your strong suit.”

Adjusting my cock in my briefs, I take a step toward her. “Well, since we’re here…”

Her eyes widen and her hands fly up to my chest. “Back up, manwhore. I wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole!”

“You sure? ’Cause I’ve got one right here.” I gesture to my hard cock, hoping it doesn’t spring from my briefs and slap Captain Killjoy in the face. If she’s mortified now, that would certainly send her careening into the deep end.

Her eyes drop to my erection for thesecondtime, and whether she realizes she does it or not, her eyelids shudder. This girl may hate my guts, but sheneedsto get fucked. And not some mediocre lay either, this girl needs to get fucked by someone likeme. Someone who will make sure she comes six ways from Sunday before I even enter her. Poor thing is ignoring her body’s natural desires by listening to her prudish mind. I’d be doing her a favor, honestly.

She squeezes past me and rounds the counter of the kitchen island like it’s a barrier she’s constructing between us. “Aleck, since we’re staying together for the foreseeable future, we need some ground rules…”

Yeah, I’m not getting anywhere with this one.
