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Her body is bangin’ but she’s about as sexual as a nun at a frat party. I lean my back against the counter facing her and cross my arms over my chest.

“I don’t doground rules, Grimm.”

She rolls her eyesagain—the second time she’s rolled her damn eyes like a teenager in less than twenty minutes—and straightens her back, lifting her chin in defiance.

“Well, you do them now. One, I don’t appreciate the nickname—”

“That was before I realized you were hot—”

She holds her hand up to stop me mid-sentence. “Be that as it may…” She’s not amused by my attraction to her. I must be off my game today. I blame the booze. “I would like you to call me by my name, please.”

A smirk plays on my lips. “Which is?”

“Winter! I told you my name four minutes ago.”

“Be that as it may…” I lift my eyebrow, teasingly. “Your name sucks. Winter isn’t a name, it’s a season.”

Winter adorably stomps her foot. “Aleck!”

A laugh blooms in my chest. “Alright, Sister Winter, I’ll stop calling you Grimm. No matter how fitting it is.Ifyou grant me one solid…”

Her eyes immediately narrow on mine. “I’m not doing anything sexual with you.”

“One, your loss. Two, I’ve pulled sex off the table, anyway. You probably fuck like a wet blanket.” A wave of satisfaction rolls through me when Winter’s chest expands with a frustrating breath. “No, what I want from you will be far more gratifying than the boring sex you would inevitably give me.”

The rage in her eyes is undeniable, and for some odd reason, Ilikeit.

“Spit it out, Fox!”

“I want my closet back.”

She shakes her head. “No.”

“Winter,” I say her name with a pandering smile. “You probably packed a few cozy sweaters, one dinner outfit, forty-seven pairs of leggings because women like you pretend they’re pants—”

“Insulting me will not help your case.” She folds her arms across her beautiful chest, mirroring my nonchalance.

Little shit thinks she’s got leverage on me. She doesn’t realize I could buy this entire resort specifically to use every damn closet it provides.

I’ll admit, when she stomped out of her room last night with that crap all over her face, her slouchy sweater hiding all the curves she possesses, I thought my new roommate was Dogtown’s commander and chief. Now I see how wrong I was—which isn’t exactly typical for me. She’s actually quite attractive. Her frame is petite and slender mostly everywhere except for her hips and that luscious ass. Her lips are pouty, especially that bottom one. There’s a natural line down the middle, making her mouth look like an upside-down heart. This girl mentally excites me about as much as a punch to the dick, but I’m not pissed that I have to look atthatfor the next two weeks. Or however long I’ll be stuck babysitting Sister Winter for Sondra on Preston’s behalf.

All that said, this girl is a damn headache. No, a fuckingmigraine.

“This is the only deal I’ll make, Winter. You touched all of my shit without even asking if we could switch.”

“You had your lapdog move you into the biggest room because you feltentitledto it. I don’t reason with people like you. You're tasting your own medicine... Bitter?”

I stare at Winter, taking part in this battle of wills, which,again, isn’t typical for me. Putting so much effort into such pettiness doesn’t appeal to me. Yet, here I am.

Mental note: Kill Preston slowly.

“How about we negotiate?” I swipe my hand through my hair in frustration. “I’m throwing you a bone here. Not the one you’re craving, but one that will make living with me so much easier. I suggest you take it.”

“I don’t do well with threats, Fox. You may be used to being the biggest swinging dick in the room, but you’ve met your match. And what do you know, she has a vagina.” She uncrosses her arms, lays her palms flat on the counter, and leans forward. “But, this is Sondra and Preston’s time. I’ll work with you,for them.”

“Name your stakes,” I say, softening my stance.

“No more women. Bringing them here, I mean. Do them in the lobby bathroom for all I care. You’re cool with that, remember?”
