Page 117 of Midnight Confessions

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“Again!” Aleck grits between his teeth, reaching around to press his fingers against my clit, circling it, drawing a release from me.

“Yours!” I shout as the edge of my orgasm pulls me into its talons.

It spreads through my body like warm molasses, blurring my vision with tears. Or maybe that’s the heartache of knowing Aleck was trying to fuck me like he was saying goodbye, not ignoring that he never denied it.

A deep, guttural growl drowns out the sounds of our panting and crisp claps of his skin smacking against mine as he comes too.

“Fuckkk!” he grunts, sinking his teeth into my shoulder.

I grimace from the pain, then shutter with pleasure when his hot, wet tongue connects with the spot he bit, soothing the sting. He sucks my skin into his mouth, slowing his movement to a stop, then presses his face into my hair before letting it go. His breathing so rough and raspy in my ear almost stirs the need for round two.

Before pulling out of me, he kisses the skin just below my ear, then turns onto his back, pulling me into his arms as he does. I rest my head on his shoulder, sliding my fingers through the thin patch of hair on his chest.

I love laying with him like this. We could lie like this for hours. Wehavelaid like this for hours—talking, sleeping, or just being silent, happy to be near each other.

With Brian I always felt suffocated after sex. Maybe it’s because our sex was mediocre, mildly enjoyable at best, but I never felt the need to breathe him, touch him,absorbhim, every minute of every day.Especiallyafter sex.

With Aleck, I would live inside of him if I could.

My body betrays me, not warning me of the tears swelling in my eyes. I panic and blink, causing them to fall and puddle beneath my head on Aleck’s shoulder.

Aleck’s head lifts from his pillow and his free hand slides over my cheek. “Hey…”

But I remain still, resting in the comfort of his arms, his smell, the feel of his heartbeat under my fingertips.

“Winter…” He lifts his shoulder, making me lift my head to face him.

I rest my chin over my bracing hands on his chest and show Aleck my face.

Can you see me? Can you see what’s inside? Can you see that I’m in love with you?

His brow dips, his eyes narrow into slits. “Winter…” His thumbs swipe across the paths of my tears. “Baby…”

“I’m scared, Aleck,” I whisper. Honesty is my last desperate attempt.

Aleck’s thumbs brush the skin under my eyes as his bright blue orbs scan every millimeter of my face.

“I am too.” His mouth closes and his teeth clench. Whatever he isn’t saying is on the tip of his tongue. Then, his lips part again. “You’re my girl, Winter.”

Staring into his eyes for a moment, I absorb his omission. A small smile plays on my lips as the tension releases my body, allowing me to rest against him.

“You’re my girl, Winter.”

That’s the last thing I hear before sleep pulls me under.



Iwake with a start. The low rumbling of my phone vibrating against the stone-top nightstand hums through the room, sending little daggers behind my eyes. Blinking through a sleepy haze with a groan, I drag my phone to my face. Sondra’s blurry name glows on the screen.

“Hmm…” I answer, resting my head back on the pillow, pulling the blankets up to my chin.

“What are you doing?”

“Sleeping,” I mumble, with my eyes closed. “What areyoudoing?”

“Packing…” There’s a slight hitch to her tone, but I ignore it on account of answering a phone call while mostly asleep. “I thought you’d be up and moving by now…”
