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“You said you liked those leggings, babe. You said I looked the perfect amount of sexy and adorable…”

The corner of Aleck’s lips slowly lift into a smirk and his chest expands with a large breath. He quickly wraps his arm around my waist and pulls my body into his. I yelp from the abrupt movement, hearing Ms. Pantsuit gasp beside us.

Aleck’s hand opens wide across my lower back and his thumb grazes the exposed skin just above my ass. He dips his head down, resting his forehead against mine. “I do like those leggings. I will like them even more when you let me tie your arms above your head with them later.”

A shudder of lust flutters through me so violently, my body shakes. And from the growing smile on Aleck’s face, it’s clear he felt it. His fingers dig into my lower back, making me cough to clear my throat.

“W-we have company, babe,” I say breathlessly.

Aleck looks over at Pantsuit, who is watching us through watery eyes, clutching the lapels of her suit jacket like a set of pearls.

“So we do,babe.”

“My, my,” she breathes. “You two are just adorable. I see many couples come through here stressed out, terse with each other, going through the matrimony motions… You two, though, you two really have it. To be planning everything so close to your actual date and not only are younotstressed out, but you’re so clearly enamored with each other… Well, I think this will be a wonderful lasting marriage.”

Pantsuit pulls chairs out for us both and gestures for us to sit at a table that’s been preloaded with ten different slices of extravagant looking cake.

“Please, sit…” she says.

It’s taken me this long to notice Aleck is still holding me like he’s about to rip into my body with his tongue. I pull away from him, immediately scratching the back of my neck uncomfortably.

Shit.He won that round.

“My name is Teressa Williams. My team and I will be making your wedding cake. I’m going to give you some time to try every flavor. It may seem odd, but I won’t tell you the flavors untilafteryou’ve tried them all. I don’t want your preconceived idea of what a flavorshouldtaste like to shadow how theyactuallytaste. Every slice is numbered and there is a pen and paper so you can write down your favorites. I’ll come back and check on you periodically. Though, if you have questions, my direct line is on this card.” Teressa slides a card forward. “Have fun, love birds. I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes.”

“Thank you,” I say as Teressa turns and leaves the room.

My eyes scan the table, observing the sea of chocolates, pinks, and gold-dusted cake slices.

Aleck snaps my attention to him by sliding his hand over my thigh. “Which one would you like to try first, sweetheart?”

My eyes drop to watch his hand slowly travel from my knee to my inner thigh before I squeeze my legs shut, trapping his hand between them.

“Watch it, Fox.”

He chuckles, yanking his hand out from between my clenched thighs. “Are we not playing anymore?”

“No, we’re not.” I roll my eyes, then give him a side-eye glance. He’splayful. He’s cocky and so full of himself, but he’s playful. “You’re trouble,” I say with a smirk.

Is it possible Aleck Fox, manwhore extraordinaire, is becoming my friend?

“You’re craving trouble.” He smirks back.

“Yeah, like a yeast infection.”

Aleck shakes his head and laughs. “Okay…” He claps his hands together. “I’ll have to add an extra six miles to my run tomorrow, but let’s eat some cake.”

“Would you like to know a secret?”

“I would like to knowallof your secrets, Winter.”

I brush the comment off with a smile. Isthiswhat it’s like being friends with Aleck Fox? Have I graduated from being shoved in front of the firing squad to occasional playfulness, tickle fights, and womb-constricting comments like that one?

“I hate cake. I love pastries, and you know I like ice cream, but I hate wedding cake and birthday cake. Well,mostbirthday cakes.”

Aleck picks up the most decadent piece of chocolate cake on the table and sets it between us. He hands me a fork with his attention fastened on me, and I take it, feeling comfortable in this authentic moment with him. He’s tentatively listening.Interested.He’s watching my mouth as I speak and relaxed in his chair in a way that makes me feel natural with him. Friendly, even.

“When I was little...” I dip my fork into the edge of the chocolate frosting. “My mom and I would walk up to this little bakery a half a mile from our house, named Eddie’s Bakery. She would buy apple fritters for my dad, double-chocolate glazed donuts for my brothers, but she and I would get four different kinds of maple flavored donuts and eat them all before we even got home.” I laugh quietly. “Maple was our favorite flavor. Maple glazed donuts and pastries from Eddie’s, maple-rum ice cream from Brawner’s Creamery, maple-spiced lattes from Cavanagh’s Coffee House, maple fudge from The Chocolaterie in Venice Beach…” I tuck my hair behind my ear, noticing the way Aleck’s eyes watch my hair move, then drop to my exposed neck. “Any time I would feel sad or if something bad happened, my mom would get some of my favorite maple treats from around town to cheer me up.”
