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Women are fucking infuriating. I want something, I take it. Assuming it consents to being taken. I don’t understand this whole back and forth game. I don’t understand why apologies are never good enough. Why simple explanations need to be scrutinized and dissected until both parties are exhausted enough to give in or give up.

I don’t understand why all of this turmoil is ever consideredlove.

“Well, this is an excellent lesson for you to learn, Aleck—”

“Yeah? And what’s that, Winter?”

“We don’t always get what we want,” she says flippantly.

My nostrils flare as I struggle to pull enough oxygen into my lungs. This is theoppositeof control. I want to pull Winter into my body, then proceed to fuck that brattiness right out of her. Or hurl my feelings for her off the goddamn balcony and sayfuck all of this.

Thisis what it’s like letting someone flood your life with theirs.

I turn around because I won’t fucking beg, or grovel, or do whatever it is she wants me to do. I stalk back toward my room, feeling Winter’s eyes burning into my back, feeling the weight of each step as I get farther and farther away from her. Realizing that farther away isnotwhere I want to be.

“You know what? Fuck this!” I turn around, narrowing my eyes on Winter’s stubborn golden orbs. “Sometimes we don’t get what we want, but sometimes we do. I’ve spent myentirelife believing I don’t deserve beautiful things. As much as I try to believe otherwise, I know deep down I’m still the little rat the Fox’s lifted out of the gutter.”

I swipe my hand through my hair, wanting to pull it out at the roots to keep from shouting. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever been tempted with, and I’m sorry I didn’t act the way you wanted me to, but I had a fucking reason. A reasonyoudon’t understand. So stop acting all high and mighty like you’re the only one put out by us. I have feelings for you, and it’s mind numbingly irritating. At least I’m admitting it, not putting closed doors between us. At least I’m not running from us like a coward.”

“I’m not a coward!” Winter stomps her foot like a petulant child. The cutest, most adorably petulant child.

“No? Then be brave, beautiful girl. What do you want?”

Winter’s eyes search the walls of the hallway for answers, knowing she’ll only find them in her heart. Her fists clench and release, a sign she’s examining her feelings, I’ve learned.

“What do you want, Winter?” I urge, wanting to charge toward her, but my feet stay rooted to the marble floors, letting Winter decide for herself.

Her eyes lift to mine, and her lips part. My stomach’s a fucking knot, waiting for her to answer. Because I know myself enough to know, if she doesn’t take a stand for us now, I’ll walk. And I don’t want to.

“Everything,” she whispers, the word leaving her lips in a wave. A small gust, like a breeze. It travels, dancing its way into my ears, and before I can process it, she’s walking my way.

I take two large strides toward her, grabbing her face when I reach her. She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me into her body by my lower back, and I crash my lips onto hers. Coconut, vanilla, and fucking passion flood my senses. Winter’s fingers dig into the muscles in my sides while my tongue invades her mouth like I’m trying to feel her tonsils with it. She pushes at my chest, but I lean forward, not ready to part with her mouth.

“Aleck,” she breathes into our kiss.

I pull my lips from hers, swiping my tongue across her teeth before we separate.

“What you said to Hayden…” she says, her tone holding sincerity that clamps a vise around my chest. “You hurt me.”

“I know,” I say, pressing my forehead to hers.

“Your words hurt me.”

“I know they did, Winter.” I dig my fingers into the side of her face, hating myself for making her feel that way. For dragging her into the endless clusterfuck of my relationship with Hayden.

Her eyes gloss over mine, sending a plea to be gentle with her heart. “Don’t do it again.”

I shake my head. “I won’t.” I kiss the tip of her nose, her eyelids, then her lips softly. “What is it about you that keeps me coming back for more when I can’t even stand ninety-eight percent of the world’s population?”

She smiles into my lips. “I don’t put up with your shit.”

I grin, making our teeth clank together. “No, you certainly don’t.” I melt my smiling lips into hers, drinking her in, absorbing her, making us one person again.

“You’re my favorite weapon,” she breathes into our kiss.

I slide my hands down to her ass, clenching my fingers around her cheeks in a bruising grip, and pick her up. Her legs wrap around my waist instinctively.

“You’re my favorite target,” I say, swiping my tongue into her mouth, tasting her, needing her. My cock threatening to rip from my pants if I don’t free it.
