Page 127 of Ruthless Protector

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I licked my lips, curled my shoulders, and, with my pulse thundering in my ears, I turned my body, scraping my spine along the doorframe before he moved, pushing in, trapping me between the frame and his body.

“Turn around.”

I closed my eyes for a second, frozen with fear.

Turn around, Katerina…take off the dress.My father’s voice echoed from my past.I want them to see what a beautiful young woman you are.

Take it off.

Lay on the table.

Let them do whatever they want.

My core clenched tight with the memories as they slammed into me. “No.” The word was a hoarse whisper. I opened my eyes and met his gaze. “No, I won’t turn around. I won’t walk when you tell me to walk. I won’t sit where you tell me to sit. I won’t do afuckingthing you want me to.”

He smiled then, and that cruel glint shone like a midnight star in his eyes as he lowered his head and whispered, “I was hoping you’d say that.”

He moved fast, grabbing a fistful of my hair, and dragged me from the doorway. Fire lashed my scalp, stinging instantly. I screamed, grasped his hand around my hair, and kicked, driving out with my bare foot. I fought him, throwing my weight as I twisted and stumbled. The agony tearing across my scalp the whole time, filling my eyes with tears.

There was nothing else to do now, nothing else but to fight and keep on fighting.

Until the end.

Because he hadn’t paid the money…he hadn’t paid the fucking money!

A scream ripped from me, sounding like a savage animal as he drove me back against the wall. The back of my head impacted with aTHUD!Stars detonated behind my eyes, blinding me for a second. Stunned, I tried to gasp as tears streamed down my cheeks.

“He paid the money…” I whimpered, grasping my abductor’s hand in my hair, and stared into those soulless eyes. “He had to have.”

But that merciless bastard in front of me just sucked in a hard breath and leaned in close. “Daddy doesn’t care about you, Princess, no one does…now turn around before I break your fucking arm.”

His fist tightened in my hair before jerking my head backwards. Every twitch, every movement, was like an inferno ripping across my head. Agony consumed me, tearing across my scalp and down my neck.

He shoved my head backwards, driving it against the wall once more.

I dropped my hands from his. Defeated, I stared into the black pools of his stare and whispered, “Okay…okay, I’ll turn around.”

His hold eased and my head throbbed with its own pulse as I turned, lifting my hands meekly to splay my palms along the walls. Memories shattered, driving into the present.

You’re mine, Katerina,Hale’s words resounded as the man at my back grasped my wrist and pulled it from the wall.You’re mine and no one will ever take you from me, do you understand? No one will ever take you away.

Hale’s words echoed as my wrist was grasped and he yanked me around again.

If it was between going back to him…and death, then I’d choose death.

Lazarus’s face burned in my mind as the realization hit home.

I’d choose death rather than spend another second with a man like Hale.

But for Lazarus…I’d fight until my last breath.

Cuffs snapped around my wrists once more, only this time they were cuffed to the front. "Walk,” my abductor snarled. “Make a fucking move again and I’ll knock you the fuck out.”

But I didn’t fight him, not anymore. I stumbled forward with one bare foot, and the other still in my flat. I don’t know why I still kept it on…I didn’t know why of all things I'd held onto it. I lifted my heel, stepping out of the shoe, as he drove me toward the doorway by my bound hands.

The other man was waiting, opening the door as I stepped out of the cabin and into the night.

“Get in.” A gleaming, steel gray four-wheel drive waited in front of me. The rear door was open, the interior light like a beacon.
