Page 45 of Ruthless Protector

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So I smiled, gave her a wink that made something inside me clench with disgust, and kept walking, following Damon into the bedroom before he closed the door. My heart was pounding. Tremors shook me with sickness and fear.

“I’ve waited long enough,” Damon slurred.

I jerked my gaze to his, catching the full glass in his hand and the glassy stare in his eyes. He was drunk,really drunk.

I could use that. I could play my part…a little, at least.

“Fuck you, Damon,” I growled, stoking that flame inside me a little harder. “Fuck you and your piece of shit friends. Hale…” Just his name on my lips made me want to vomit. “You’re all beasts.”

Damon just smiled and lifted his glass. “Beasts you fuck, little girl.”

Little girl.

Piece of fucking shit. I closed my eyes as the rage inside me burned brighter. The brush of his hand on my shoulder made me want to scream like a banshee. It made me want to lash out, and hit…and keep on hitting. It made me want to find that gun hidden in my closet and empty it into his goddamn face.

It made me want to come to a damn island for protection.

The kind that didn’t exist.

The hard yank on my zipper wrenched me backwards. “The beast you’re going to fuck now. You don’t want me to drug you again, do you? Because you know I will.”

I swallowed a shudder and tried to speak.

“I’ll drug you and fuck you and when I’m finished fucking you, I’ll watch someone else fuck you,” he growled and jerked my dress to the floor, leaving me in my underwear. “Because you are nothing but acunt.Nothing but a thing to be broken, to be used in any way I want. Just like your daddy uses you and all his friends. How did that feel growing up, Katerina? To know you’re nothing more than a commodity? To be used to secure the kind of deals that built your daddy’s empire? You’re the gift that keeps on giving, aren’t you?” He reached around and grasped my breasts, kneading them with cruel hands. “You’re the shining fucking star that’s a whole universe. The one that I’m going to have.”

“Unless Hale kills you for hurting me,” I whispered.

He stopped, his fingers at my nipple. There was a second where he thought of that, where he tried to figure out just the kind of man Haelstrom Hale was. Desperation roared inside me, forcing me to turn and stare into his gaze. “You don’t know him like I do. He’ll be angry…no, he’ll be fucking furious.”

The glimmer of panic in his eyes made that hope inside me soar.

He just lifted his lips.

If I could get him to change his mind…to see just how enraged Hale would be if he touched me.

“He’s claimed me,” I insisted. Revulsion burned through me at the words, but I had to do something. “You know how possessive he is. He’ll kill any man who thinks he can use what belongs to him.”

“You’re lying,” he growled, and lifted the glass once more.

“Am I?” I turned in his arms.

He glared down at me, but his focus was a littleoff,like he was thinking about it in his pathetic, inebriated state. I pounced on that glimmer of panic. “He’s a monster,” I swore. “You don’t know the real man…the one behind the mask. He’s ruthless and savage, and he’ll tear you apart.”

There was a bark of false laughter. “Fuck that, I know Hale.” Still, he drained his glass before he focused that cruel gaze on me. “And I know you, Katerina. I know how you fuck because I’ve seen you.”

He took a step and pushed me backwards toward the bed. I made the mistake of looking behind me and throwing out my hand. I hit the bedhard.My teeth clashed, shooting agony through my head.

“I’ve seen you over and over and over…” he growled, climbing onto the bed, straddling me. “You were a little younger, I must admit. But fuck me, you were spectacular. The things you let them do to you…the things you letmy fatherdo to you.”

A mewl escaped. I tried to shake off the terror. But it was there, driving into my world. Men behind masks. Their hands touching me, pulling at my clothes, their sickening words in my ears. My mind tried to shut it out, tried to block all the disgusting things they'd done to me from my world.

My mind tried to help me survive.

But as Damon crawled higher, looming over me, he brought it all back in a rush. I looked up at him and saw those same merciless eyes as the man behind the mask, and heard the same words. “Take off your clothes, Katerina. Take them off and open your legs.”

No…no. I can’t…I can’t…

Damon swayed and his elbow buckled before he pushed up once more.
