Page 56 of Ruthless Protector

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“He’s her father’s friend?” I growled, feeling a little dangerous now.

Freddy just nodded. “If men like Sebastian VanHalen have any friends, then I’d consider Haelestom Hale his closest ally.”

“One he allows to fuck his daughter,” I muttered, hating that burn inside my chest.

But that didn’t explain Zakharov.

No, that didn’t explain him at all…or what I'd seen last night. “Did you find out anything about Zakharov?”

Freddy just shook his head. “Not a thing, apart from the perfect banking family. Wife, son, went to Yale of all places, and is wanting to follow in his daddy’s footsteps.”

The image of those empty eyes came back to me. Fuck me, she was cold inside, cold, hollow, and dead. I could still see the way she fisted her hand around that drunk asshole’s cock. The way she moved her body to make it seem like she was fucking him, when all along…she was playing him.

There was something I wasn’t seeing.

Something I wasn’t understanding.

Something Freddy couldn’t find out on social fucking media.

I drained the rest of my beer. “Thanks, Freddy,” I growled, then crushed the can and tossed it into the recycle bin.

“You going to let that go now?” he called as I turned my back and headed for the bathroom to take a piss.

“No fucking way,” I answered.

There was a snarl, then a few choice words as I stepped up to the toilet. If anything, the information Freddy had found made me even more determined to understand her.Careful,that small voice inside warned as I palmed my cock. Fear shifted inside me. It was an uncomfortable feeling. Anew fucking feeling.

I didn’t get involved, especially not where women were concerned.

That shit led to a whole different world of trouble.

One I’d managed to stay away from.

Until now.



Anna’s phone gave abeep.She fumbled with the damn thing, jerking it from her pocket only to cover the screen and turn her body so I couldn’t see her message. She was secretive…but weren’t we all?

"You know what…” She stalled at the door to Xael’s apartment building and slipped her phone into her pocket. “I think I’m going to head back to the apartment, okay?”

I looked behind us, at the guard at our backs, then at the one waiting inside. “You sure?”

“I just…” Anna started. There was fear in her voice,real fear.“I think it’s just everything that’s happened.”

She shifted her gaze, not meeting my eyes. That warning in my stomach whispered she was lying.

“Come on.” I gave her a smile. “Let’s go back.”

I took two steps before my phonebeeped.Xael: Looks like daddy dearest is on his way for a meeting with the Commander. They’ll be tearing him a new one, I bet.

A shiver coursed through me as I pocketed my phone. Maybe it was best to stay inside for a while anyway. God knew I didn’t want to run into any of the heads of the families.They’d know…I couldn’t stop the thought from rising inside me.They’d know who I really am.

But that sounded crazy.

Staying in my apartment until the coast was clear was starting to sound like a good idea. We walked back and left the guard in the foyer before we headed back up to the penthouse suite. I switched on the TV for a little noise as Anna slipped away into her room.
