Page 27 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Anything wrong, Brooke?” Eleanor broke the silence.

Lindsay opened her eyes.

“I’m not sure,” Brooke said, checking the rear window constantly. “But I’ve noticed lights behind us. Not strange, I know, but whoever is driving the car behind us has kept his distance so far. It’s just...over the last few minutes, the car has increased speed and is now nearly on top of us. I’m not sure whether it wants to overtake us or...”

Lindsay turned around. A pair of very bright lights were approaching fast. It was possibly only someone driving faster than they were but what if... Her breath hitched in her throat and Blake’s words echoed in her mind:You’ll be putting other people in danger, as well.

Oh, damn, she’d been so intent on getting away from Blake and the crazy feelings he was stirring inside her, she never considered the possibility Mark might have been watching her. What if he was driving the car behind them?

“I’m phoning Blake and then the police,” Eleanor said, her phone already against her ear.


Blake’s anger lasteduntil he’d left Alisson’s lights behind him. And then cold fear threatened to cut off his oxygen.

If Taylor had been keeping an eye on Lindsay’s movements—and at this point it was obvious that was what he was doing—he would know she’d left Alisson in a car. And there were two other women and probably Brooke’s son also in the car.

Minutes ago, when he’d driven away from Lindsay’s home, he’d phoned Jason and asked him to contact the police in Livingston, the next town on their way to Bozeman. He had no idea at what time the women had left Alisson, but he’d checked the details on his phone and established there was a flight that morning to Seattle at a quarter to eight, which meant they’d probably left about fifteen minutes before he woke up.

With his eyes on the road in front of him, his heart in his throat, he tried to concentrate on his driving. If anything were to happen to Lindsay...

He went around a bend in the road, and for the first time he saw two sets of car lights in the distance in front of him. Just then his phone rang. It was Eleanor.

“Blake...where are you?”

“Behind you.”

“Please hurry. Brooke is driving, but the car behind us...” And then she yelped. The line went dead.

Blake gritted his teeth and stepped on the gas.


Lindsay and Connorwere thrown forward. Shocked, she glanced over her shoulder as she held on tightly to Connor’s hand. They’d seen the lights approaching faster and faster but she hadn’t expected the car would intentionally ram into Brooke’s.

There could be no doubt anymore that the person driving the car behind them was either Mark, or someone he’d paid to get to her. And she’d put everyone in the car in danger because she hadn’t thought it through.

Muttering, Brooke clutched her hands around the steering wheel and stepped on the gas. Brooke’s car surged forward, leaving the other car behind, but within seconds it had also increased speed and was again gaining up on them.

“Lights in front!” Eleanor called out. “Put on your hazard lights!”

Brooke pushed a button and the lights from the car began to flash.

While still holding Connor tightly against her, Lindsay turned around again. “There is another car coming up behind this one,” she said and watched as another set of lights approached.

“Hopefully, that’s Blake,” Eleanor said, looking over her shoulder. “He told me he was right behind us.”

“I’m going to stop,” Brooke said, and the car began to slow down.

She pulled off the road and the next moment, the car behind them zipped past. In that millisecond, Lindsay could clearly see the driver’s face. It was Mark.

The other car they’d noticed pulled in behind them, and the door opened. With her heart hammering, Lindsay stared at the tall figure getting out of the car. Blake.

“Look, the coming car has also stopped,” Eleanor said and pointed to the opposite side of the road. “It’s a police car. Blake probably called them.

“Mommy?” A sleepy Connor rubbed his eyes. “Are we at the airport?”

Brooke turned to Connor and patted his arm. No, we’re not at the airport yet.”
