Page 28 of Protecting Lindsay

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The next moment, the door on Lindsay’s side flew open and Blake dragged her from the vehicle. His breath was coming out in gasps, and for long seconds, his eyes raked over her. “Are you okay?”

She couldn’t speak, just nodded.

With a groan, he pulled her into his arms. “What the hell, Lindsay, you’ll be the death of me yet,” he murmured while he ran his hands over her arms, down her body before he looked at her again. “Are you sure you’re okay? You weren’t hurt?”

“I’m so sorry...” she began, but he bent his head and warm, urgent lips captured hers. She gasped; his tongue ploughed into her mouth as he deepened the kiss. His beard brushed against her skin, adding another sensation she hadn’t expected.

Someone cleared his throat loudly near them and Blake dropped his arms. Still breathing heavily, he raked a hand through his hair before he turned away. For the first time, she saw the policeman standing next to them.

Eleanor was getting out of the car.

Lindsay rushed towards her. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I should never...” A sob escaped.

The older woman pulled her into a hug. “This is not on you. The driver in that car is the one with the problem. Did you see who it was?”

Lindsay pulled out of her friend’s hug and nodded. “It was Mark. I can’t believe he’d go to such lengths...”

Blake approached them slowly. Behind him, the policeman was on his phone.

He greeted everyone before he bent and looked into the car. “Brooke...are you okay?”

“That was frightening, but we’re okay,” she replied. “I seriously hope someone catches that guy soon. He’s obviously unstable.”

Blake crouched down beside the car. “Hey, Connor? You doing okay?” His voice was soft.

“Where is the airport?” Connor asked.

Brooke smiled and ruffled his head. “We’re not there yet, sweetie. Mom? You okay?” she asked as she leaned forward to look at Eleanor, who was still standing outside. Blake got up.

“Blake?” Eleanor asked. “What do you think? Will he try something again?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. Let me check the rear of your car.” Brooke also got out, and they all moved to the back of the car to see what damage had been done. Blake introduced them all to Jim, the policeman.

“Tell you what. I’ll get this fixed—” Blake began.

“I’m sure we could drive to the airport—” Brooke began.

But he shook his head. “Let me do this, please? I’ll drive you to Bozeman, and when you need to return, I’ll come and pick you up. You just tell me when.”

“Thank you,” Eleanor said. “I’ll text you the details.”

They all helped to move the luggage to Blake’s car, and within minutes they were on the road again, the lights of Jim’s cruiser behind them. He was going to follow them to the airport.

Rattled, confused, and upset, Lindsay closed her eyes for a minute before she took a deep breath. She owed everyone an apology. “Eleanor and Brooke—I am so sorry. Blake told me not to put other people in danger but I...I’m sorry.” Peering up at the rearview mirror, she looked at the silent man behind the wheel. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you I was going to Seattle.”

His eyes met hers. “Yeah. You should’ve. Get some rest.”


By the time he stoppedin front of Bozeman Yellowstone International airport, Blake’s heart rate was still not back to normal. He hoped never to experience the sheer terror of earlier ever again.

That moment he saw the one car ramming into the one in front...his heart had simply stopped beating for a few seconds. That was when he’d begun to suspect Taylor, or someone he’d paid, was behind the job. Lindsay had just confirmed that it had been Taylor himself. But the damn coward had quickly escaped when he’d noticed the two other cars.

Things could so easily have been much worse. If he hadn’t woken up in time early that morning, if Lindsay hadn’t sent him a text, finally telling him where she was going, if he hadn’t phoned the police in Livingston...

They all got out. “Let me help with the luggage,” he said. “What about a cart?”

“Good idea,” Eleanor said. “We have small bags, but Brooke has more than one bag to manage.”

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