Page 43 of Protecting Lindsay

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Blake watched in aweas her body arched up and she called out his name over and over again. In vain he tried to rein himself in, but seeped in her scent, the blood racing through his veins; he simply had to have her.

She was still shuddering when he hoisted himself above her.

Gasping, she opened her eyes, a small smile playing around her lips.

“Look at me?”

“Blake...” Lindsay’s breath caught in her throat as her limbs snaked around him.

Her skin was damp from the heat they’d created. The air around them had thickened, making it difficult to breathe. With one thrust he became a part of her, and when her velvet body clamped around him like a glove, his heart tripped.

This was home. This was where he was supposed to be. Like this, with her.


Lindsay’s eyes flewopen. Something was different. It took her a few seconds to realize she was lying on top of a very hard body. Blake’s very sexy six-pack, to be precise. The one that had caused her numerous sleepless nights over the past few months. And that had been before she’d even seen it.

The day was just breaking, which meant it was a little after seven. She had to get up and go to her shop to assess the mess, but for a little while longer she was going to pretend nothing bad could happen today.

Her one hand was lying as if perfectly content on Blake’s chest, while the other one was resting on his shoulder. His broad, muscled shoulder.

She turned her face into his chest. Oh, my. What a night. Blake was a very thorough and ingenious lover. The man didn’t use many words, but oh, my goodness, his hands could talk.

At the mere thought, her fingers twitched and began to trail a path along the contours of his muscles. Lazily, she watched as her hand glided over his chest and up his arms to where she explored every inch of his broad shoulders.

Something stirred against her lower body and she turned her head. Blake’s eyes were mere slits, but glowing. And in seconds, he had her under him and was sliding into her.

“You were missing from me,” he whispered as he laced his fingers with hers and began to move inside her.

Her heart lifted, hovered for a few minutes before it settled back, shuddering. And in that moment, she knew.

She loved this man. With her body, her mind, her soul, her whole being.

And as her back arched up to him, her heart splintered into a million pieces. She could never tell him, though. He’d made it clear he wasn’t interested in forever. This was temporary. They both knew it.
