Page 44 of Protecting Lindsay

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Humming, Lindsay switchedon the coffee maker. Her whole body was still glowing. It was already after nine, she was going to be so late, but she’d already sent Lilly a text to warn her. For the first time in days, she was hungry. Last night she didn’t have an appetite. Well, not for food, anyway.

Blake was still in the shower, where he’d joined her earlier. She put her hands against her hot cheeks. She’d never be able to step into that shower and not remember the many ways Blake had found to take her to new heights of pleasure.

And she loved him. Deeply, fervently, and with everything she was. She hugged herself. Could anyone be this happy? Look at her—all dressed up to seduce him again. In a pair of jeggings—they wouldn’t be so difficult to get rid of as jeans—and one of her favorite pink lace tops. With buttons.

There was a sound behind her, and she grinned. “I have to get to the shop. We can’t...” In the next instant, a cold hand clamped down around her throat and she froze.

It wasn’t Blake who was standing behind her. It was Mark. She could smell him.

She turned around. And yes, it was Mark. He was standing in the doorway, a gun in his hand, snarling.

“Thought the fire would get you here in time. And no use waiting for Lover Boy upstairs to come your rescue; he’s still having a shower. Besides, I’ve locked the door. What I really wanted to do was to shoot him, here, between the eyes,” he said, motioning the gun to the point between his eyes. “But then you’d have heard, and I’m tired of chasing after you. It’s time for you to come back to me. You know that, right? You were stupid enough to think you can get away from me, but it doesn’t work that way. So, come on, sweetheart, before I change my mind and shoot Lover Boy. He still has no idea I’m here, so don’t be stupid enough to think he’ll come for you.”

He pointed the gun at her.


Still grinning, Blakestepped out of the shower and dried himself. Lindsay had just been in the shower with him, but he already missed her. He had nothing to offer her, he knew that, but hopefully, he’d shown her how wonderfully special she was. And for the moment, he could be with her.

Quickly, he slipped on his jeans and pulled a jersey over his head. And froze.

The hair on his neck rose. Something was seriously wrong—he could feel it. As he sprinted towards the bathroom door, he got out his phone. Panic had him nearly dropping it again.

Damn it, where the hell is Lindsay?He had to get to her, he had to make sure she was safe. That was the reason he was here—to protect her. He should’ve been more vigilant.

And if he hadn’t given in to his desires, if he’d done what he was supposed to do, he would’ve been. But instead, he was making love to Lindsay when he should’ve been protecting her. And now she might be in danger.Damn it to hell.

The door was locked and there was no key. Which meant someone had reached for the key while he was in the shower and he hadn’t even registered what was happening. Dread threatened to engulf him. He stormed back to the window in time to see a black SUV drive away. He couldn’t tell the make or the plate numbers from this distance. With unsteady fingers, he dialed Jason’s number. It was Taylor, his gut was screaming.

His friend picked up on the first ring. “What?”

“He’s got her. Black SUV. Phone everyone.”

And roaring, he stormed towards the door and kicked it down. Grabbing clothes and his car keys, he raced down the stairs, an ice-cold hand clutching his heart. Getting into his jeans and boots took a few minutes and by the time he was finished dressing, he was hopping mad. With Taylor, but mostly with himself.

What the hell had he been thinking? He could play house with Lindsay while a madman was after her, and nothing would happen? Cursing, he stormed out of the house and got into his car.

He couldn’t protect her because damn it, he’d fallen for her. And look what had happened. She’d been taken while he was in the same house with her. He was supposed to protect her, damn it, not fall in love with her.

Love her. Love.

Cursing, he stepped on the pedal. Because he’d lost his focus, she was in danger. This was all on him.

As he sped away from Lindsay’s house, Jason called.

“He’s trapped. Only problem is, Lindsay is with him.”


“What the hell wereyou thinking?” Mark demanded again and caught her hair in his hand, as he’d regularly done when they were together.

“You’re hurting me,” she said through clenched teeth.

“That’s the idea, you stupid bitch,” he snarled, yanking her hair again.

Lindsay was trying to see where they were going, but her eyes were watering from the pain of Mark’s cruel grip, making it difficult to ascertain which direction Mark was driving.
