Page 45 of Protecting Lindsay

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Blake was safe; he hadn’t been hurt. This thought kept her sane. And he’d find a way to help her—of that she was very sure.

“You’re going to pay for putting me through all of this,” Mark shouted, and waving his gun around, continued to verbally abuse her in the most vile language.

She tuned out. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard before. He was clearly unstable, even more so than before. But where his words had usually left her numb with fear, she was now angry. Livid, truth be told. For far too long, he had messed up her life. It was time to take it back.

Just then he swore, dropped his hand, and stepped on the brakes. “What the f—”

They were at the crossroads just outside town, she noticed. But a big, white SUV was blocking the exit. And in front of it were two policemen with guns. The one she recognized as Jim from Livingston, but she hadn’t seen the other guy before.

Still swearing, Mark put the car in reverse and looked in the rearview mirror. “What the hell?” he roared.

Lindsay quickly turned her head. Two cars were blocking them from behind, as well. Jason’s and Blake’s.

“Oh, you think Lover Boy can rescue you?” Mark snarled and opened his door. “Let’s show him how happy we are, shall we?” Grabbing her arm, he dragged her across the seat and out of the car.

Outside, he brought his arm around her throat, but she instinctively dropped her chin to prevent him from choking her, and she grabbed hold of his wrist with both her hands.

“You want this piece of trash?” Mark bellowed, waving the gun around. “Why don’t you come and get her?”


With a grunt, Blaketook a step forward, but Jason put a hand on his arm. “Steady now. He wants you all riled up. Now’s the time to let your training kick in. Forget that it’s Lindsay out there. There is a victim who needs our help.”

Feeling helpless, Blake fisted his hands. Jason was so right. Storming towards Lindsay would only put her in more danger. He usually relied on his instincts, his strength, his fists, but now he needed to think clearly.

“She may not realize it, but look at her, she knows what to do,” Jason said softly, his gun aimed at Taylor. “You’ve taught her the basics of self-defense and she’s doing it.”

And for the first time, Blake noticed Lindsay had dropped her chin and had both her hands around Taylor’s wrist, just like he’d showed them in the self-defense classes. Fear was still clutching at his throat, but there was a glimmer of hope. They didn’t have much time, though. At this point, Taylor was so busy shouting instructions, he probably hadn’t noticed what she was doing.

Taylor’s mistake was to think Lindsay was still the helpless woman he could abuse, but the Lindsay Blake loved was stubborn, ornery, difficult, and strong. Even if she didn’t know it yet.

Slowly, without taking his eyes off of Taylor and Lindsay, Blake stepped forward and held out his gun. “I’m putting this down. Let Lindsay go.” And as he talked, he moved closer to where Taylor and Lindsay were standing.

“Stay away!” Taylor yelled, and pressed the gun against Lindsay’s temple.

Ice-cold fury reared up inside of Blake. This had gone on long enough.

“Lindsay,” he said, his eyes on Taylor. “You know you’re beautiful, don’t you? And strong. So strong. And you know exactly what to do now. We’ve done it—a number of times—and I remember you were the best.”

“Shut up!” Taylor screamed, but Blake was looking at Lindsay. Her chin was still down, effectively preventing Taylor from choking her.

And then she stepped to her right as Blake had taught her, lifted her left hand, and struck Taylor’s groin. And as he bent forward in pain, she hit him with her elbow.

By the time Taylor was howling like a banshee, Blake had picked up Lindsay and was walking back to his car with her. Jason and Jim and the other policeman had Taylor on the ground, his hands behind his back.

In awe, Blake looked down at Lindsay and his eyes roamed over her. She was fine, she was breathing, but her whole body was shaking.

He could’ve prevented the trauma if he’d been more alert. The same way he could’ve prevented Miss Betty from dying if he’d noticed in time she wasn’t feeling well. The same way he should’ve had Will’s back when he’d stormed into that damn building. But he hadn’t been there, for either of his friends.

Lindsay hooked her arms around his neck and as she lifted her head to look at him, he saw the bruises around her neck.

Biting off a curse, he gently put her inside the car. “I’ll be with you in a moment.” And then he turned around and walked back to where Taylor was still yelling and howling.

Jim and Jason and the other policeman had Taylor cuffed. Blake walked right up to him and lifted his hand.

“I’m taking full responsibility for this,” he said, but before he could ram his fist down Taylor’s throat, as he’d been wanting to do ever since he’d heard what the bastard had done to Lindsay, Jason grabbed his arm.

“Not worth it,” he said. “And the last thing Lindsay needs right now is more violence. Take her home.” And as Blake slowly dropped his hand, Jason grinned. “He’ll get what’s coming to him, don’t you worry.”
