Page 49 of Protecting Lindsay

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“You do know you don’t have to. You don’t work for them any longer.”

“If you can’t continue with classes...” Blake said, ignoring Jason’s words.

Jason chuckled. “I think I’m beginning to understand what is going on here. You’ve gone and fallen in love with Lindsay Wilson and now you’re running scared. That’s why you’re leaving. At least admit the real reason you’re bolting.”

Blake stopped next to the small house he rented. He’d never planned on staying here, anyway. That was why he hadn’t bought any property. Well, except for the building where the dojo was.

Rubbing his face, he switched off his car. “You’re right. I...feel something for her, but I always let those I love down, no matter how hard I try not to. And Lindsay’s been hurt enough; she doesn’t need to add me to her problems.”

“And you leaving won’t hurt her?” Jason exclaimed. “Have you seen the two of you together? You can’t keep your hands to yourself and she lights up whenever you’re around.”

“Keep an eye on her for me, will you?” Blake asked shortly.

“And what? Let you know when someone else wants to marry her? Because that will happen sooner or later. You realize that, don’t you?”

“Thanks for helping out at the dojo,” Blake said and ended the call.

Lindsay getting married to someone else. A sharp sword pierced right through his heart. Taking out his phone, he quickly climbed out of his car. There was a plane ticket for him. He was leaving in a couple of hours from Bozeman. There wasn’t much time to pack.

Fortunately, he travelled lightly—his motto in life. There was no way he could be a husband, a dad. He wouldn’t know how to be one.

Swearing, he opened his front door. Husband. Dad. Not words he’d ever thought would cross his mind. Remember that, he told himself. Remember that.


“Oooh, I can’t waitfor six o’clock!” Lilly giggled and twirled in the middle of the shop.

Lindsay smiled. It was impossible to stay mad at Lilly. The dear girl hadn’t been able to focus on anything today. Well, actually the whole week.

It was the end of the first week of December, the Christmas activities in Allison had begun, and Lilly had her eye on a young fireman. He was all she’d been talking about all week. It was Friday night, and tonight would be the annual Christmas Stroll, one of the many items on the agenda for the coming weeks. Everyone joined in and the festivities usually brought the whole town together.

It had been a busy week and Lilly’s absentmindedness was creating all sorts of problems. Charlie had had several double bookings this week, bottles in Lindsay’s shop had been placed in strange places, and Lilly had been on her phone most of the time.

“And next weekend is the Snowflake Festival, for three whole days!” Lilly sang as she continued dancing around the shop. “Don’t you just love this time of year?”

Behind Lilly’s back, Lindsay rolled her eyes. Could they survive another week of Lilly walking on clouds and talking non-stop about her fireman?
