Page 48 of Protecting Lindsay

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His hand slipped below the soft material of her pants, or whatever the hell she was wearing, intent on getting to her heat. She helped him and quickly, she was nearly naked and his jeans were unzipped.

Gulping in some much-needed oxygen, he lifted his head. Her eyes were liquid blue with need, her lips swollen with his kisses. This was how he’d always remember her.

With a grunt, he lifted her and pushed into her. Home. With his eyes on hers, he began to move.

“Look at me,” he whispered while a tornado of passion drove them up a steep hill.

And with her name a mantra on his lips, he slipped right over the edge with her, clutching her close to his heart.


By the time Lindsayopened her eyes again, Blake was gone. The only evidence she hadn’t dreamed the last hour was the indent of his head on her pillow.

Pressing her face into the pillow, she inhaled his scent. She’d thought he’d left right after they’d just about ravished each other downstairs, but he’d simply picked her up and brought her back to her bed, where they’d made love again.

Made love. Because that was what it was. On her part, at least. She couldn’t tell him what was in her heart, but she’d tried to show him with her body.

But it wasn’t enough. He didn’t want to stay. It was that simple.

Rubbing her arms, she sat upright. Where her heart had been was a huge hole. And her whole body ached with a pain threatening to cut off her oxygen.

She inhaled deeply. But she had been through worse when her parents had died and her sister had been injured. She’d even survived Mark’s abuse.

Getting over Blake was simply another heartache on her life’s journey. She had a shop to get to, a damaged studio to fix, and a life to live.

She was going to smile and put one foot in front of the other today, even if it killed her.

Her phone rang. It was Charlie. That meant her sister, Logan, Brooke and Eleanor, and Connor were on their way back. She wasn’t alone; she was going to be okay.

And maybe next time the local vet asked her on a date, she’d agree. Roger O’Connor was nice enough, quite attractive if you were going for the white-teeth-blond-curl-on-the-forehead type, but there simply wasn’t any spark between them, she’d always thought. But maybe if she actually spent time with him, that could change?

She touched her lips. But nobody would ever be able to kiss her the same way Blake could. Aaargh, this wasn’t helping.

She answered her phone.


Blake was on the phoneto Eric Walker, the chief of the Violent Crime Unit of the FBI, before he’d turned off the street where Lindsay lived. He had to get away from Alisson as soon as possible.

Eric was happy to hear his voice, and yes, he was told, the case was still ongoing and they would welcome his input.

His next call was to Jason.

“You can relax, he’s behind bars.” Jason answered the call succinctly.

“Good to know. I’m leaving for Washington and was hoping you could continue with the dojo until the week before Christmas when we close?”



“So you’re running away?” Jason finally asked.


“Sounds like running away to me.”

“I spoke to Eric. I’m going to help with a case.”

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