Page 5 of Protecting Lindsay

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Chapter 2


Shaking, Lindsay stumbled, and a big hand caught her arm and held it tightly. It would be so easy to rely on Blake for support and help, but she’d been struggling to rebuild her life after Mark Taylor had nearly destroyed her self-confidence and sense of worth. She’d finally found peace, a place she could call home, she was doing a job she loved, and there were people in her life she could call friends.

But first, she’d received a message from freaking Mark telling her he was coming for her, and then Blake had showed up, making her feel things she didn’t want to feel.

Before he could steer her into the bar, she pulled her arm out of his hold, turned, and walked back towards the street. She felt like crying and had to get home before she fell apart.

Why did the mere mention of Mark’s name still freak her out? For too long she’d given him the power to systematically break down her self-confidence and make her doubt her every decision.

She’d met him right after her parents’ accident, at a point when her whole life had been shattered. Of course, afterwards, it had been easy to see why she’d allowed him to just about take over her life. She’d been desperately looking for a home and family to replace the one she’d lost. At the time, Charlie was also in and out of hospital with the injury she’d sustained during the same accident, and without her sister, Lindsay had been so lost.

Initially, she’d thought she’d found another safe haven with Mark. She’d thought the way he’d nearly suffocated her with attention was because he was caring. Even when he’d gradually begun to cut her off from her friends and sister, she’d seen it as concern about her well-being.

It had taken more than a few months, but she’d discovered the only person he ever really cared about was himself. Things quickly spiraled out of control, up to a point where she hadn’t felt safe around his mood swings anymore. And on the night he’d furiously raised his hand and forbade her to see her sister Charlie again, she knew it was time to break things off.

Only it hadn’t been that easy. He’d hounded her for days with messages and emails until she’d changed all her numbers and her email addresses. Fortunately, at the same time, Charlie had inherited their Aunt Charlene’s house and a building here in Alisson, Montana, and they could cross an ocean, moving far away from South Africa.

They both had fond memories of the town where they’d spent many Christmases with their mom and dad and Aunt Charlene. Neither she nor Charlie had anyone keeping them in South Africa except Gavin, their brother, so deciding to move here was an easy decision to make. Fortunately, after Gavin’s visit to them earlier this year, he’d also decided to relocate to Alisson.

She and Charlie had been very careful and didn’t leave any forwarding addresses to anyone but their brother. But then Gavin’s emails had been hacked and someone started following her, and she had to face the fact that Mark had been looking for her. And he’d found her.

And now on top of that, Blake was stirring feelings inside her she knew she couldn’t trust, and the dream she’d had of creating a simple life for herself was turning into a nightmare.

“Damn it, Lindsay, where are you going?” Blake was right behind her.

“Home,” she said, and continued walking. “Go away. I can look after myself.” She was nearing the street and walked faster, quickly looking up and down to see if any vehicles were coming her way. One car was coming down the street, but it was moving so slowly, she should make it across before it reached this spot. She took a step down from the pavement.

“Lindsay—look out!” Blake called out behind her.

As if in slow motion, she turned her head to see a car, a green one, she registered, driving straight at her. Mesmerized, unable to move, she stared at the approaching lights. Behind her, more voices cried out and then a pair of strong arms lifted her away just before the car would’ve hit her.

Blake’s arms gathered her close. Shuddering, she buried her face in his neck. She’d so nearly been hit by that car. If Blake hadn’t been here...

“What happened?” Lindsay recognized Eleanor’s voice.

Oh, damn, she shouldn’t be in Blake’s arms when Eleanor was around. Within seconds, the older woman would jump to all sorts of conclusions.

Inhaling, Lindsay quickly moved away from Blake, and he dropped his arms. Eleanor and her daughter, Brooke, rushed closer. Lindsay wished the earth could open up and swallow her whole. Her heart was still pumping out of control after the surge of adrenaline, and now she had to face an additional problem.

The last thing she needed at this point was for Eleanor to try her matchmaking skills on her. Eleanor was the mother of Charlie’s new husband Logan, and both she and Brooke had been so helpful when she and Charlie had first arrived in Allison. But Eleanor, bless her meddling heart, was a die-hard romantic, always looking for the next love story in town. And if there weren’t any, she would conjure up imagined relationships and do her best to “help” whichever couple she thought needed her “support.”

“Another car tried to run her down just now,” Blake said brusquely, looking over his shoulder towards the street.

“What car?” Brooke asked.

“One I noticed earlier. I should’ve...” And cursing under his breath, he put a hand on Lindsay’s shoulder. “I need to make a phone call and then I’ll take you home.”

“What can we do?” asked Eleanor.

“We haven’t eaten. We were on our way to dinner—” Blake began.

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring Lindsay something to eat,” Brooke interrupted. “What about you?”

“I’ll be staying with her for the time being, so yes, something for me, too, thanks.” And while Eleanor stared at him open-mouthed, he took out his wallet and gave it to Brooke.

Once more, Lindsay wished the earth would open up. Gathering her wits, she lifted her chin. “Seriously, Blake...” she began hotly.
