Page 51 of Protecting Lindsay

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“That sounds lovely.” Lindsay smiled and patted Charlie’s tummy. “How’s my niece? A little girl, sis—I’m so happy for you.”

Charlie’s eyes filled up and she hugged Lindsay. “I know. I never thought I’d be pregnant. I still pinch myself every day.”

“Do we have a name yet?” Lindsay asked as they joined everyone else who was walking down Main Street.”

Charlie looked up at Logan. “It’s a secret—we’ll share on Christmas Day. I’m so looking forward to having everyone on the ranch. I do hope you and Gavin will also stay with us for a few days?”

“Let’s see. Hopefully he’ll be here a few days before Christmas.”

Charlie sniffled and looked for a tissue in her bag. “I’m going to cry again!” She laughed. “These hormones are really messing with me. But I’m so happy he’ll also be close by.” She looked past Lindsay’s shoulder and smiled. “Hi, Jason.”

Lindsay turned around quickly. Since Blake’s departure, she hadn’t seen or heard from his friend. “Hi, Jason. Nice to see you.”

“Join us, Jason, we’re on our way to the square to watch the lights being turned on and then we’re having dinner.” Charlie smiled.

“Thanks, sounds nice.” He grinned.

“Hi, Lindsay,” another voice called out, and Stacey’s red head appeared.

“Hi, Stacey, it’s cold, isn’t it?” Lindsay greeted her friend and they hugged. “I don’t think you’ve met my sister and her husband? And this is Jason Coleman, also a friend. Everyone, this is Stacey Lawrence, she’s doing the website for my shop.” She made the introductions before all of them followed the rest of the crowd down Main Street towards the village square.

Charlie began to talk to Stacey, and Lindsay took a deep breath. This was her chance to find out if Jason knew anything about Blake. She cleared her throat and Jason chuckled.

“You want to know how Blake’s doing?”

She nodded.

“You could just phone him and find out, you know? That’s what I told him.”

“You spoke to him?”

“Texted. I get a message from him just about every day. Always with the same question.”

Lindsay’s heart was just about jumping out of her body.

“And what is that?”

“How’s Lindsay?”

“Why doesn’t he ask me?” she asked, pressing her lips together.

“That’s what I said.”

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Seconds later, Jason was the one to clear his throat. “Blake...well, he lost two people close to him in the past and still reckons it was his fault. He doesn’t think he has anything to offer you.”

Lindsay lifted her chin. She was done asking Blake for anything. “Well, that’s very clear then. I...”

“Well, if it isn’t the beautiful Lindsay Wilson,” a voice drawled close by.

Lindsay sighed but she turned her head and smiled. The local vet was walking behind them, grinning broadly with his very white teeth. “Hi, Roger.”

“What about dinner later?” he asked.

“Not tonight.” She smiled over her shoulder. “Give me a call after Christmas, won’t you?”

Next to her Jason chuckled. “You don’t really want to go out with him, do you?”

“He’s nice,” Lindsay said shortly.
