Page 52 of Protecting Lindsay

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“He smiles all the damn time,” Jason said.

“Well, it’s better than being taciturn all the time, like some people I know.” And she turned and began to ask Stacey about her website. It was hard enough to carry on day by day without Blake; she didn’t also want to have to talk about him.

Damn it, she hadn’t been looking for love; he was the one who’d insisted on protecting her. So, he’d lost two people close to him and that was his reason for not wanting to be with her? So had she, but she’d been prepared to open her heart to him anyway. What utter nonsense, and if she’d ever have the misfortune of seeing him again, she’d tell him that.


By ten, Lindsay couldn’tkeep her eyes open, and picked up her bag. “Thanks for the lovely dinner, Logan and Charlie, but I need my beauty sleep.

“It’s only ten o’clock,” Eleanor cried out. “The night is way too young for you to leave just yet. Besides,” she whispered with a wink, “I want to know about you and the vet.”

“Mom, seriously,” Brooke scolded.

“What? I’d thought she and Blake would hit it off, but both of them are too blind or too stubborn or too whatever. Anyway, life is short. Maybe Roger could be your backup plan.”

But Lindsay just smiled and waved to everyone. Charlie got up. “Give me a hug. Are you feeling okay?” she asked.

“Of course. It’s just been a busy week.”

“Let me walk you to the door,” Charlie said. “How are you really? And don’t you dare give me another ‘I’m fine.’ I don’t believe you anymore. You’re pale, you have circles under your eyes, which tells me you haven’t been sleeping properly, and you’ve stopped smiling.”

Lindsay threw up her hands. “What do you want me to say? Mark has been caught; I can’t begin to tell you what a relief that has been. I’ve only now come to realize over the past two years I’ve constantly been worrying he may show up here in Alisson.”

“His mistake was thinking you are still the same woman you were before. I’m so, so proud of the way you handled the whole thing. I’m very glad I didn’t have to watch him manhandling you, but you were so brave.”

“I’m really okay, sis...” she began, but Charlie shook her head.

“You’re miserable and Mark has nothing to do with that. Talk to me.” Charlie pulled her to the side. “You haven’t been very forthcoming about what really happened between you and Blake, but tell me—did the two of you end up in bed?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Lindsay asked, blushing.

“As I’ve mention, you’re looking pale, and I’ve heard you mention more than once you’re tired.” Charlie grinned. “It’s just, when I was so tired, it turned out I was pregnant.”

Lindsay stared at Charlie, her mind blank for a moment. Then she laughed. “Don’t be silly, I can’t be... Besides, it’s way too early to know.”

Charlie’s eyes widened. “Ah. So you did sleep with him?”

Lindsay nodded.

“And how was it? And why haven’t you told me? I’m your sister and your BFF!”

“It was really amazing, but it was a one-time thing... Well, okay, twice, but he was very clear about the fact he’s not interested in anything more.” Lindsay swallowed, her thoughts racing. “But I can’t be pregnant...” Shaking her head, she dug out her car keys. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


But panicking, she quickly made her way to the exit. Pregnant? She couldn’t be pregnant, could she? As she’d told Lindsay, it was way too early to tell; Blake had left three weeks ago. And besides, Blake had used protection every time, she was sure of it.

Except... She stopped. Except that last time.

It was still snowing lightly. She lifted her face up to the grey sky. Pregnant? With Blake’s baby? A little boy with his daddy’s serious brown eyes? Something warm opened up inside her, and the heat spread throughout her body.

Her heart aching, she continued to her car. She might be pregnant or she might not be. Whatever the case, she was alone in this. Blake had walked away, remember?

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