Page 55 of Protecting Lindsay

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But Eric had smelled victory. He shook off Blake’s arm and began to move forward again. Even more alert than before, Blake scanned the area around them. As they proceeded around a corner, a movement out of the corner of his eye had him turning to his right, gun ready.

He caught the flash a millisecond before the sound rang out. “Gun!” he shouted, and jumped in front of Eric without a second thought. The man had kids and a wife.

Chaos broke out but Blake ignored everything else. His eyes were trained on the spot where he’d seen the gun fire. He fired two shots. Someone fell, called out.

Dropping his arm, he looked around for Eric, but a strange numbness was crawling over him. He looked down at his arm. Blood was dripping on the floor. Whose blood? The person he’d shot was way over on the other side.

“Davidson...son of a...”

Blake heard Eric’s voice from far away. A blackness threatened to engulf him. Damn, he’d been shot.

Lindsay. He loved her. And he would never get to tell her that; he’d never get to dance with her to that song she liked or make love to her again. They would’ve made beautiful babies. Two little girls with their mother’s clear blue eyes and a boy with dark hair. They’d have a house with fairy lights all around the porch. And a dog. A damn spaniel, of all things.

Lindsay was trying to tell him something. He wanted to hear what she had to say, but he couldn’t keep his eyes open.


Lindsay swallowed thelump in her throat. Damn it, she kept wanting to cry over every stupid little thing.

It was Thursday evening and everyone was gathered on the town square, getting the booths ready for the weekend-long Snowflake Festival, which would start tomorrow. She and Lilly were decorating their cubicle. With Lilly’s help, she’d made gift packs with her creams and oils, ready to be sold.

All the trees around the big Christmas tree were covered in lights, giving a magical feeling to the whole square.

“Linds!” she heard her sister call, and looked up to see Charlie hurrying closer.

Lindsay smiled. Her sister was literally glowing. Logan was a few steps behind. “Slowly, Charlie...” He laughed and pulled his wife closer for a hug.

Charlie beamed. “How are you?” she asked Lindsay. “Still feeling tired?”

“I...” she began, but someone touched her arm and she turned around. It was Jason.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

Her heart stopped. Something was wrong; she could read it in Jason’s somber face. “What’s wrong? Has something happened to Blake?”

He hesitated and glanced at Charlie.

“What’s happened?” her sister asked and rushed closer.

“I...don’t know.” She looked up at Jason and her heart stopped. “Blake,” she barely got out. “Something happened to Blake. Tell me!”

“Jason?” Logan asked as Charlie grabbed her hand.

“He’s been injured...”

Lindsay could see Jason’s lips move, but she couldn’t make out the rest of his words. Why couldn’t she breathe? She tried to focus, but a soft cloud simply picked her up and a blackness engulfed her.
