Page 56 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Linds, sweetie, pleasebreathe,” Charlie said for the umpteenth time. “Otherwise, you may pass out again. Not something I want to see again,” she teased.

It was Friday afternoon. They were still in the plane, waiting for the doors to open. They’d just arrived at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport after a nearly three-hour flight.

At times like these, she was grateful for her brother-in-law’s generosity. They’d flown business class and would be some of the first passengers to leave the plane.

Lindsay nodded, inhaling deeply. She’d had her arms clasped tightly around her body, scared if she let go, she’d fall to pieces. It was still difficult to believe she’d fainted last night. But she’d hardly eaten throughout the day.

To her dismay, there hadn’t been any direct flights from Bozeman to Chicago before twelve noon, which meant she had to wait about twenty hours before she could board a plane to get to Blake. Driving to Chicago would’ve taken even longer.

She hadn’t even bothered to go to bed last night; sleep was out of the question. After she’d seen Blake, after she knew he was going to be okay, there’d be enough time to sleep.

He’d been injured. That was all Jason had told them and all she could think about during the long night. She still didn’t know how and why he’d been injured. Jason just shrugged when she’d asked. Over the course of the long night, she’d willed herself not to think about worse-case scenarios, but of course, she’d ended up picturing all the worst possible outcomes, driving herself crazy.

She’d stayed on the ranch with Charlie and Logan last night, and they both had insisted on coming with her today. Jason was also with them. It would make things easier to get to Blake, he’d explained.

Jason had phoned several times before they’d boarded the plane in Bozeman, but all she knew for certain at this point was that Blake had been injured. Jason kept giving her vague answers. She was just about ready to shake the big man.

As they entered the airport building, she looked at Jason. “Will you please try again to find out what’s going on?”

“We’ll be at the hospital in no time,” he said, and continued his long strides.

“Come on, sis, we’re nearly there.” Charlie smiled. You okay?”

“I will be when I see Blake.”

“Well, at least now you know.” Charlie chuckled.

Irritated, Lindsay glanced at her grinning sister. This was so not the time to find anything funny.

“That you love the guy.” Charlie smiled.

And the lump in Lindsay’s throat was back. She nodded. “I do. What if I never...?”

“No negative thoughts, remember?” Charlie asked.

They all had only hand luggage and didn’t need to wait, but it still took ages to get outside the huge, impressive terminal.

“Here’s our ride.” Jason grinned and walked towards a black car parked right outside the entrance. “Our former boss when Blake and I worked for the FBI—Eric Walker.”

Lindsay stared at Jason and he nodded slightly. So both he and Blake had worked for the FBI? Everything made sense now. Blake’s contacts, the way he knew things about her, his long absences.

She focused on the tall, grim man. “But if you’re his former boss, how come...?”

“He’s helped us in the past on a consultation basis,” Eric said.

Also not one for many words. “How’s Blake?” she asked.
