Page 57 of Protecting Lindsay

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A very small smile lifted the corners of his mouth. “He’ll live. He’s a stubborn devil; no bullet is going to stop him.”

“Bullet...?” She could literally feel her blood freeze.

“But he’s okay,” Jason quickly said before she could take another breath. “Tell her, Eric. I left out the part about...well, the bullet.”

Eric grimaced. “Oh, sorry. Yes, he’s okay. The doctors operated on him last night, and he’s already giving the hospital staff hell, but he’s okay.”

“Operated on him? Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked Jason crossly.

He shrugged. “Because of how you’re reacting now.”

Inhaling sharply, she turned back to Eric. “Please take me to him.”

Eric nodded. “Of course. I’m your ride.”

She ignored Jason.


Blake was ready toexplode. He’d been shot before, damn it. This wasn’t his first rodeo. It hurt like hell, but it would get better. Why the hell did he have to stay another night like the doctor insisted?

He’d just received a tray of food. His supper, he was told. It was six o’clock, damn it. Who the hell ate this time of day? Muttering and cursing, he sat up in the bed. He was feeling fine. And he’d be even better if he could get to the airport so that he could get to Lindsay.

As he swung his legs from the bed, the nurse, who’d been giving him hell all day, walked in. A real ball-buster. But this time he was going to ignore her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked, hands on hips.

“Home,” he said, and got up. It was more difficult than he’d imagined, because the arm they’d operated on was in a sling.

“I’m calling the doctor,” she threatened.

“Go ahead,” he said, looking around for his clothes. “Where’s my stuff?” he asked.

“You don’t have stuff,” she said smugly, crossing her arms.

“My clothes?” he snarled.

“You were shot. Everything was taken. Now get back into bed or help me—”

“Where’s my phone?”

“You can’t get your phone,” she said.

“I want my phone, dammit to hell!” He was frustrated and in pain; good manners didn’t seem to matter at the moment.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” a voice asked from the doorway and when he looked up, Jason was standing there with a broad grin.

“They took my phone,” Blake immediately complained. “And I have no clothes. I have to get back to Alisson. It’s the damn Snow-of-Whatever-the-Hell Festival and nobody else will be dancing with Lindsay but me!” he bellowed.

“Well, I would suggest you get back into bed.” Jason chuckled as he led him back to the bed. “Because I don’t think you want Lindsay to see you in this outfit. Really embarrassing, man.”


Lindsay’s heart wasbeating so loudly in her chest, she was certain everyone else could also hear it thundering away.

They’d all heard Blake shouting he wanted his phone. Jason had been a little ahead of her and, smiling at them over his shoulder, had entered Blake room’s first. They’d all heard his last words to Blake.

“What the hell do you mean?” Blake shouted.
