Page 60 of Protecting Lindsay

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Resignedly, he looked at her. It was clear Charlie hadn’t quite finished with him. “And what is that?”

“If I’m not mistaken, you and Miss Betty loved each other, you lived together, she took care of you. That’s family, that’s how families operate. So your excuse doesn’t work, I’m afraid. What you do know about love, she taught you. You just never realized it.”

It was quiet in the room after Charlie and Logan had left.

“Well, hell,” Blake finally said.

“Man, you really made a mess of things, didn’t you?” Jason chuckled. “Come on, get dressed. It’s time you get home so that you can breathe in some fresh Montana air. Maybe that’ll help you to see straight.”

“But the doctor...” Blake began but Jason’s grin broadened.

“We had to keep you here until Lindsay arrived. I was hoping we’d be celebrating by now, but then you managed to screw up the whole thing anyway. He doesn’t know you’ll be flying today, not sure what he’d say about that.”

“I’ll be okay. Won’t be the first time I fly after surgery. Only problem is, I don’t have clothes.”

“I’ve brought you some clothes from home,” Jason said, and for the first time, Blake noticed his black overnight bag on the floor. “Come on, we have a flight to catch.” He looked at his watch. “And just for your information, there is time to stop at a jewelry store—just say the word. And the Snowflake Festival in Alisson doesn’t end until Sunday. I’ve heard there’s more dancing tomorrow night. You might get another chance with Lindsay if you’re lucky. Although, at this point my money is on the vet. And, shame, you’re old and injured and would probably have to sit it out anyway. But hey, it’s Christmas. You never know, miracles may happen.”

Blake managed to throw one of the pillows at Jason, of course, at the exact time the nurse from hell opened the door.

“Managed to chase away your Lindsay, I see?” She snickered, pointing to the pillow on the floor. “Because she wouldn’t take your nonsense. I think I like her. Sassy.” She picked up his bag and took out a shirt. “Come on, I’ll help you get dressed. You need to go get her. Otherwise you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life.”

For the first time, he noticed the twinkle in her eyes. Docile, he let her help him get dressed while his brain was working overtime.


Inside the big airportterminal, Lindsay looked around for a coffee shop. She couldn’t decide whether she was nauseous or hungry. Probably hungry. She hadn’t eaten since she’d heard the news about Blake. And she was mad. Hopping mad, truth be told.

Great, straight ahead was one. Hopefully, they’d have a table for one. She’d probably always need a table for one. Better get used to the idea.

“Linds!” a voice called, and as she turned around, she noticed her sister and Logan at a distance. Charlie’s hand was on her belly as they rushed closer, and Lindsay groaned out loud. Her sister was pregnant and here she was, only thinking about herself.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve let you know where I was, but I was just so...”

“Mad?” Charlie said, out of breath.

