Page 61 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Well”—Logan grinned—“your sister told Blake a thing or two. The poor sod didn’t know what hit him.”

Lindsay’s eyes widened. Charlie rarely got angry. “What did you say?”

“Can we please find a table first? I don’t about the rest of you, but I’m hungry,” Charlie said.

“We don’t have that much time,” Logan said, looking at his watch. “Let’s check in and I’ll find us a nice table in one of the lounges.”

What felt like hours later, they were finally seated in one of the lounges and could eat something.

“Mmm, I needed that,” groaned Lindsay after the first bite.

“I told Logan he’s an idiot,” Charlie said.

Lindsay shrugged. “He has his reasons. I told him it’s BS, by the way.”

“Good for you.” Charlie giggled.

“Can I just please point out something?” Logan asked. “From a male perspective?”

“Please do,” Lindsay said.

“Men process things differently and maybe not as quickly as women do. Give the guy’s mind time to catch up with his heart. From personal experience”—he grinned and kissed his wife’s hand—“I know it takes a while.”

Lindsay sighed. “I’m afraid he’s persuaded himself he shouldn’t ever marry, but I think it’s just a way to make sure there is a way out if things don’t turn out the way he thought they would.”

Grinning, Logan got up. “Give the guy a break, will you? You two Wilsons are a force to behold. Come on, gals, time to board.”

“Well,” Charlie whispered to Lindsay as they followed Logan out of the lounge, “there are ways and means to persuade them otherwise, you know?”

Lindsay shook her head. “I don’t want to have to ‘persuade’ anyone to love me. I’ve told Blake I love him. And it wasn’t enough.”

As they were about to queue to board the plane, Lindsay looked around for the bathroom. Now she was definitely nauseous. She’d probably eaten too quickly.

“Charlie...” she began and swallowed.

Charlie gave her one look before she grabbed her hand. “Over here, Linds. Logan, give us a minute!” Charlie called to her husband.

They just made it to the bathroom.


“Business class?” Blakeasked in surprise as they were shown their seats.

“Logan bought the tickets.” Jason grinned. “I didn’t complain.”

“I’ll reimburse him,” Blake said, taking his seat. He’d never considered flying business class before even though he could afford it.

“My seat is more to the front,” Jason said. “See you in Bozeman.”

Blake patted his pocket. It was still there. He’d been such an idiot. Of course, he wanted to marry Lindsay; what the hell had he been thinking? The idea of a future without her in it was simply too awful to contemplate. He didn’t want a way out; he wanted to be with her until his last breath. Why the hell hadn’t he told her so?

Behind him, more people arrived.

Suddenly Blake heard a very familiar voice. “I think our seats are over here, Charlie.”

It was Logan. Which meant Lindsay had to be close by. With his heart hammering away, Blake turned his head. Logan and his wife and Lindsay were coming down the aisle.

He got up, a bit more unsteadily than he’d have liked, and put his hand out to Logan. “I believe you bought the tickets, thank you. I’d like to pay you back.”
