Page 63 of Protecting Lindsay

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“In a minute,” Blake said patting his pockets. “Told you I need to talk to you.”

“And I told you I...” But before she could finish her sentence, Blake stood up and moved so that he was right in front of her.

He flashed the flight attendant a killer smile. “I need a few minutes.” And before Lindsay could blink, he went down on his knee, opening a small box he was holding in his hand as he knelt down.

Around them people inhaled sharply, exclaimed, and giggles erupted, but Lindsay was so stunned she barely registered the sounds. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing—Blake going down on one knee in front of all these strangers? As she very well knew, he didn’t like drawing attention to himself.

Although he was smiling, he was cradling his injured arm close to his body, his face paler than usual. She’d been so intent on not talking to him, she wouldn’t let herself think about his injury.

“Blake, what are you doing? Your shoulder...”

But his brown eyes remained steadily on her. He ignored the other passengers who had their cell phones out and were recording the whole thing. “Lindsay Wilson, I love you. I can’t picture my life without you in it. I don’t know how to be a husband, but I know you will teach me. Please marry me?”

Lindsay was seeing stars in front of her and realizing she’d lost her breath upon hearing “Lindsay Wilson.” She inhaled deeply. As usual, he’d used no unnecessary words, but he’d actually used more than one word. No long, drawn-out declaration of love from him, just the basics. Exactly what she needed to know.

And there, in the depths of his eyes, she saw also the love he’d professed twice now, saw that he meant what he was saying.

Her gaze dropped to the ring he was holding in his hand. Her heart melted. Somehow, she’d found someone who got her, who understood the wiring of her mind, who knew exactly what kind of ring she’d like. Nestled in the exquisite, dainty clasps of a rose-gold ring, a beautiful solitaire diamond winked at her.

“If you don’t like it, we can get another one,” Blake said quickly.

Looking at him with her heart in her eyes, she moved forward, got on her knees in front of him, and held out her left hand.

Uncertain, he looked at her hand, then at her. “Is that a yes?”

“Hell, yes, it’s a yes!” someone yelled and everyone around them laughed.

But Blake was still watching her, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, Blake, of course I’ll marry you, anytime, any place. I love you.” She smiled.

“She said yes!” someone else called out, and a huge cheer went up.

He took out the ring, and taking her hand in his, slowly slipped the ring on her finger. And then his good arm shot out so he could haul her closer, and he kissed her.

There were more whistles and laughter from the other passengers, but Lindsay ignored everything else. She was where she’d dreamed of being—in Blake’s arms. Safe. Protected. Warm lips were confirming what he’d just said.

“Linds, are you sure about this?” she heard Charlie’s voice and lifted her head. Her sister was standing next to them, clearly still worried. Lindsay quickly got up and gave her hand to Blake to help him up.

“I’m sure.” She smiled as Blake put an arm around her.

Charlie sniffed, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m so, so happy for you.” She cried and embraced them both. “But you...” She pointed at Blake. “You hurt my sister and you’ll have to answer to me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Blake grinned.

“Don’t you ma’am me,” Charlie said haughtily, but then she smiled and hugged them again. “I can’t wait to tell Eleanor and Brooke! Logan, I have a plan...” she said, going back to her seat, already apparently planning a party.

But Lindsay had stopped listening to her sister and pressed her face into Blake’s chest.

“You know”—he chuckled softly—“this may be a good time to see whether we can become members.”

Still on cloud nine, she looked up at him. “Members of what?”

He pressed his mouth close to her ear. “The mile-high club.” His sexy whisper sent delicious tingles down her spine and her body reacted. “I need to be with you. Now.”

“But your arm...”

Grinning, he took her hand. “I’m sure we’ll find a way.”
