Page 62 of Protecting Lindsay

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Grinning, Logan slapped him on his good shoulder. “The least of your problems at the moment, I think.” He stood to the side so that Charlie could get to her seat. She completely ignored Blake.

And then Lindsay was in front of him. A very pale Lindsay, he noticed. She also ignored him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“What a stupid question,” Charlie muttered, but he barely heard her, his whole attention focused on Lindsay.

“Where is your seat?” he asked Lindsay.

She looked down at her phone before she pointed towards the seat next to him. “I can try and change seats...”

But he took her hand. He was given another chance. “Please don’t. I...I have to talk to you...”

“I don’t think you have anything more to say that I want to listen to,” she said as she took her seat.

“Can I get you anything?” he asked.

She opened and closed her mouth before she nodded. “Water will be nice, thanks.”

He found the flight attendant and got a bottle of water from her before they closed the plane’s doors. Lindsay was staring out of the window when he returned. “Here you go,” he said, handing the bottle to her as he took his seat.


“You’re very pale. Please tell me what’s wrong?”

“What could possibly be wrong?” she asked in a voice laced with sarcasm. “I’m fine,” she added curtly and took another sip of the water.

“Damn it, Lindsay...”

“You love me but you don’t want to marry me—I got the message. I don’t think any more talking will change the outcome.”

“Can we start over, please? I’ve f—I’ve messed up. But I love you and I need you to give me another chance.”

But Lindsay wouldn’t meet his eyes. “We have to sit next to one another for the next three hours. If you have something to say, say it. It doesn’t mean I’ll listen.”

The staff went through the usual rituals while the plane took off. Blake willed himself to relax. Lindsay was here. Next to him. And he had three hours.

He’d never liked being the center of attention, and by now he knew Lindsay well enough to know she also preferred to stay in the background, but if she didn’t want to listen to him, he was quite happy to get out of his comfort zone this one time. If forced, he could put on a performance. And if she was going to be embarrassed, it was just too damn bad.

If the only way to get her to listen to him was to make a scene, then he was going to make a spectacular one.


Lindsay kept her eyesclosed. At least she was feeling much better. She couldn’t remember ever being sick. What a horrible feeling. Must have been something she’d eaten in the lounge.

And now she had to endure the next three hours sitting next to Blake. Even though the armrest between the two seats was quite wide, she became more and more aware of him every time she breathed. She noticed everything about him: the hairs on his arms, his big, muscled legs stretched out in front of him, his beautiful hands. His mere presence and the warmth radiating in her direction were driving her crazy.

Damn it, she’d thought she would have time to prepare herself before she had to face him again. She knew Logan had bought return tickets for all of them, but because she’d been so mad and upset, the thought that Blake might be travelling with them simply hadn’t occurred to her.

Finally, the plane was in the air, and the sound of the flight attendant coming down the aisle could be heard. Great, champagne was just what she needed to make the next few hours bearable.

“Bubbly?” the blond flight attendant asked chirpily, fluttering her eyelashes at Blake.

Lindsay gnashed her teeth. Seriously. If it wasn’t enough to have been told he didn’t want to marry her, she now had to watch him flirt with a ditzy blonde?

Blake took two glasses from the blonde, but he put both in front of him.

“My glass?” Lindsay asked, holding out her hand.
